Food & Drink1 min ago
obama is re-elected. thank god a majority saw sense and didn't vote in romney/ryan. that pair make me shudder thinking of the stuff they would cut and make laws for. go obama!!! x
I heard it's the first billion dollar campaign.
Obscene amount of money.
07:10 Wed 07th Nov 2012
good question. The media got this one hopelessly wrong.
This may be because US media are either wackily biased (like Fox) or so hellbent on being unbiased that they just report candidate's speeches without daring to analyse them for accuracy, honesty or practicality. If you do your reporting on that basis you will end up saying that Republicans are making as much noise as Democrats, therefore the election will be close-run.
So it seems voters made up their own minds, perhaps getting their information from non-mainstream sources, or perhaps just voting according to gut reactions that are harder to analyse.
I'd said all along that Obama should win because he'd done nothing wrong (unlike Ford and Carter, previous one-term presidents). I guess Americans felt the same way: you don't fire a man just on a whim.
This may be because US media are either wackily biased (like Fox) or so hellbent on being unbiased that they just report candidate's speeches without daring to analyse them for accuracy, honesty or practicality. If you do your reporting on that basis you will end up saying that Republicans are making as much noise as Democrats, therefore the election will be close-run.
So it seems voters made up their own minds, perhaps getting their information from non-mainstream sources, or perhaps just voting according to gut reactions that are harder to analyse.
I'd said all along that Obama should win because he'd done nothing wrong (unlike Ford and Carter, previous one-term presidents). I guess Americans felt the same way: you don't fire a man just on a whim.
I only really read up on the camapigns and a bit of background on Romney this week. Before that I paid it very little attention.
I feel from the bits I have picked up on, Romney was not the right candidate for the US going forward. I like Obama, and nobody gets everything right all the time but if you look at some of his acheivements during his first term; passing the health care reform, his efforts to end the Iraq war/assasination of Bin Laden, toppling the Gadaffi regime, turning around the US auto industry and reversed the torture regime approved by Bush. Plus all the work to get the country in line after resession. Not a bad first 4 years??
I feel from the bits I have picked up on, Romney was not the right candidate for the US going forward. I like Obama, and nobody gets everything right all the time but if you look at some of his acheivements during his first term; passing the health care reform, his efforts to end the Iraq war/assasination of Bin Laden, toppling the Gadaffi regime, turning around the US auto industry and reversed the torture regime approved by Bush. Plus all the work to get the country in line after resession. Not a bad first 4 years??
Sorry to trash the lefty love in but:
If you call 48% to 50% (what is reckoned will be the vote share) "thank god a majority saw sense" then I think you need to take another look. by the literal sense you are correct but in reality it was a close call.
"The media got this one hopelessly wrong" and the inevitable left Fox bashing. They were using pols that all were showing a close call. It is a close call in terms of terms of number of voters, but, just as UK this did not transpire into seats.
Dont get me wrong, romney represented many things I hate too and I am glad the religiousl nutters are not in power, but jumping up and down as if a concrete victory is not really recognising that we still have a problem with nearly 50% of the american public.
If you call 48% to 50% (what is reckoned will be the vote share) "thank god a majority saw sense" then I think you need to take another look. by the literal sense you are correct but in reality it was a close call.
"The media got this one hopelessly wrong" and the inevitable left Fox bashing. They were using pols that all were showing a close call. It is a close call in terms of terms of number of voters, but, just as UK this did not transpire into seats.
Dont get me wrong, romney represented many things I hate too and I am glad the religiousl nutters are not in power, but jumping up and down as if a concrete victory is not really recognising that we still have a problem with nearly 50% of the american public.
//we still have a problem with nearly 50% of the american public.//
I don't know who the weis, but most americans, like most people anywhere, are fundamentally decent and I don't have a problem with that at all.
You can slice the demographics of any given electorate any way you like and you'll always return a minority winner. With the exception of Romney's concession speech, the Republicans I've heard this morning have taken a remarkably graceless "sack the electorate line," which is part of their problem.
On the other hand, I thought Obama's acceptance speech was powerfully inclusive, and it was a relief to listen to a man speaking of the future, in a time beyond war.
I don't know who the weis, but most americans, like most people anywhere, are fundamentally decent and I don't have a problem with that at all.
You can slice the demographics of any given electorate any way you like and you'll always return a minority winner. With the exception of Romney's concession speech, the Republicans I've heard this morning have taken a remarkably graceless "sack the electorate line," which is part of their problem.
On the other hand, I thought Obama's acceptance speech was powerfully inclusive, and it was a relief to listen to a man speaking of the future, in a time beyond war.