There is a difference of fact between "young" and "novice" drivers, I didn't learn to drive until I was in my mid thirties. You could make newly qualified drivers used a probationary sticker and ban probationers from carrying passengers but policing it would be hell.
I do think that there should be a ban on private cars as there is on minibusses of carrying more passengers than the car is designed to carry.
It is bloody stupid.
When I was seventeen my mates and I went all over the country in a car with no problem at all, why should todays kids be denied that right?
What about seventeen year olds who spend most of their waking day with their partner?
"I'm of to town...I will pass you at the bus stop and see you there" ...ridiculous.
Unless compulsory ID is introduced in this country I don`t see how they can ban someone from carrying family members. Even ID doesn`t prove a family link. I think that`s a daft suggestion. I do think that everyone should re-take their test every 10 or 15 years though. I`ve seen some dreadful examples of driving lately.
alba, the problem being is that when you are that age, and we have all been there, you think you are invincible, nothing or no one can touch you. Get into a motor vehicle and maybe you lose all sense of danger, and seemingly the statistics bear out what is being said, that some are not ready or safe to drive others around.
because the law is saying that some new drivers end up killing themselves and others into the bargain. Once you pass your test you are free to go on any road aren't you? and just because you passed your test doesn't mean to say you are automatically a good driver.
gromit, suggest look at the link i provided, and i didn't say it had logic, nor did i say that it could be implemented, calm down you will give yourself a coronary.
Better to add more elements to 'learning to drive' than just the test. An awareness course with some hard hitting reality shocks might make young drivers who pack their car with mates and then show off think twice.