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So Very Sad

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flump1 | 15:36 Fri 07th Dec 2012 | News
76 Answers
It has been reported that the nurse who answered the phone and was duped by the prank regarding Kate in hospital has been found dead. Such bloody sad news.


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That is terrible news, just goes to show how far some hoaxes can finish up.

One more 'Angel of Mercy' that we can least afford to lose.

15:51 Fri 07th Dec 2012
If that is true, it's dreadful news. Poor woman.
Oh my goodness!

Do you have a link, flump?
oh heck. That is so very very sad.
oops sorry about the long link...
I hope that the two DJs involved are proud of themselves...
Sad indeed.
Poor love - what a waste of a life.
that's awful news - those responsible for the hoax call must be wishing they hadn't set it up. Terrible
Had she recently had a sense of humour by-pass?

It was a joke. She must have had other problems.
I cannot imagine her pain to have come to that conclusion. Dreadful, I really hope anything that can be done to support her family will be put into action, I've no idea what that can be though.
that is tragic

it is reported as a suicide - one can only assume she was distraught over what happened, and could not go on

i hope the authorities are going to nail the pranksters
Sorry, I've maybe been a bit harsh judging the DJs. I'm sure that they couldn't have predicted the outcome.

The poor woman.
So very, very sad and yes, the DJs should hang their heads.
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Thanks for putting up links, ( I must learn ). This article is awful for all concerned and her family , well devastation doesn't come close .
It was funny Gromit? Humour must be by-passing me too. Making someone look foolish and gullible has never made me laugh.
that is very sad. hope the djs are proud of themselves. it may have been the straw that broke the camels back and she may have had other issues but it is still very sad and their actions could not have helped her state of mind. poor, poor woman.
Very sad News indeed.

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