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The judge in this case may be well versed in the law but is clearly a complete ignoramus when it comes to human (and specifically female) physiology. By making such a statement he is tacitly blaming the woman for the rape. What a disgrace this man is to suggest such a thing. He's clearly not fit to judge cases such as this and as such should be disbarred.
02:28 Sun 16th Dec 2012
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it's the judge who should be in jail.
//Judge Johnson has since apologised for his comments.//

Not good enough. He's not fit for office.
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Just as bad, can't understand this at all

Judge Derek Johnson's comments, which echo those of outgoing U.S. representative Todd Akin, who used the phrase 'legitimate rape' and said women who are the victims of rape rarely get pregnant, have drawn widespread condemnation.
Condemnation isn't enough. They should be booted out!
I saw this one when it first came out - it says in the I today that he's been reprimanded. Stupid man - why do judges say these things?
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no wonder some women don't report rape, or if they do have this sort of person up on the bench, i know it's from the US, but haven't we seen Judges like this here, heaven almighty.
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the sheer ignorance of his comments makes me wonder if he is married, and if so what his wife thinks.
Unbelievable, he should be made to step down.
Or put him in a cell with a sex starved sadistic lifer .........see if his body 'shuts down'
He clearly understands neither the way the female body works, nor that some rape victims would just give in rather than risk a battering or worse. Idiot.
We have enough to be concerned about with our own judiciary, without concerning ourselves about what goes off in that crazy land across the 'pond'.
^^^ I guess it wasn't in the Mail then ^^^
I guess he didn't like, em's reply on his thread.
Oops! This link appears to be broken.
^^^ Comes up as 'Not Found' ^^^
Something about a vulture, Baldric.
He wants sacking not reprimanding

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