"as far as hillary....complete bs if you ask me. totally fabricated to keep out of testifying. just a chess move" Brilliant
You are obviously a republican come her to look for a similar opinion.
Mitt Romney and the the Republivan party and their Nazi wing, the tea party, feed you lies about your economy, your car industry, about Obama why because they had no other policy beyond lets keep the poor, poor and the rich, rich and you all hoovered it up not bothering to look at or employ the truth.
Every good thing about your economy was a lie and every bad thing had nothing to do with the GOP or Dubya. You allowed Rape to be a matter of debate, not only that but a matter of debate by old rich white men, for that alone the GOP is a disgrace.
They got smasherd in the elections, but have gerrymandered the house and now think they have some sort of mandate, whilst they basical step on your democratic rights. They accuse the Democrats of trying to suppress your freedoms, whislt at the same time trying to deny ordibary people the right to vote, the right to a free voice, the right to decent health care.
My understanding is Obama care will cost you all less, but the insurance companys will lose so why do you think the Republicans are against it.
The states in the US that voted Republican are the states that most benifit from social "security" talk about Turkeys voing for chistmas.
The Republican party is the most unamerican party ever. You should look up Communism and see how far the Democrats are from it, then you should look up Facism and see how close the Tea Party are to it.