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Uk Assumes Presidency Of G8 Summit

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pdq1 | 15:44 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | News
5 Answers

Cameron calls on other leaders of the G8 to be brave. Has he led by example?


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one hopes so.
Does anything useful come out of this summit , or is it just another talking shop
/// "I hope that at Lough Erne we can seize this opportunity. At the heart of my agenda for the summit are three issues - advancing trade, ensuring tax compliance and promoting greater
transparency. ///

He can't manage to get install these issues in the UK, never mind at the G8 summit.

/// "But to achieve this will require strong political leadership ///

Well that puts Cameron out again.

Are we sure that the UK is fit to preside over the G8 Summit, with our leaders on board?
Last time it was in Scotland, now Northern Ireland, Wales 2021?
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Well he certainly came to the fore in Libya. His support for Gay marriage is against the majority view. And what about the extra £bns hes pumping into overseas aid. Some would say he has a death wish and trying to make himself unelectable at the next election.

Obama talks softly and carries a big stick...Cameron is the opposite with his loud mouth.

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Uk Assumes Presidency Of G8 Summit

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