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Prince Harry Nice But Dim

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vernonk | 07:53 Tue 22nd Jan 2013 | News
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how wise is Prince Harry to admit publicly that he's killed Taliban? surely he's now going to need extra the tax payers expense of course


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chill, that would appear to be the case, i like Harry, he seems a decent bloke who gets a bit of a rough time from some in the media, if he appears cavorting with girls in nightclubs he is a playboy, if he goes on out on the front line, he is playing at soldiers, can't win..
I've no problem with Prince Harry but was surprised by his comments. Both my father and farther-in-law served in WW2 and I never heard them mention "killing" anyone although they were in action. I served in RM and was also in action......again never found the need to go into detail.

/// and no i don't think it was stage managed to run off like that, no more was it when the young pilots run off on the airfields to their planes, to defend this country in the Battle of Britain in WW2. ///

During the Battle of Britain the scrambles were for real, and the enemy was not far off and in the air.

Whereas Taliban engagements are few and far between lately thank goodness.
Harry is no different to your relatives, McMouse.

He didn't mention 'killing' either.
I can promise you that is complete and utter rubbish AOG.

Just because all attacks are not covered by the media does not mean there are no attacks.
McMouse, he didn't go into detail.

AOG, why are you criticising him? He's doing a worthwhile job, isn't he?
you are kidding, taliban will attack at every and any opportunity, they are not sitting on their backsides waiting to take the occasional pot shot at our soldiers.
I was responding to the OP ChillDoubt //how wise is Prince Harry to admit publicly that he's killed Taliban?//
and no he didn't mention killing, his words were rather considered in my opinion, and why this criticism for a man who is doing the job he so obviously loves. I hope that he comes home in one piece, if he isn't home already, and that if it's what he wants, to go back and serve, then he should be allowed.
He wasn't necessarily responding to an engagement, AOG.
As he said himself, he never knows what he may be attending, that will become clearer as he gets airborne.
It could be an engagement, MEDEVAC/CASEVAC or responding to reports of Taliban moving a weapon to a firing position.
Then I apologise McMouse, though it appeared from your post that you concurred with others that Harry had supposedly mentioned 'killing', when your relatives had not.
I was pointing out that he hadn't either.

/// I think AOG just likes to be contrary. ///

Not in the least, just read some of today's newspaper comments.

/// Prince Harry faces growing criticism over 'candid' descriptions of killing Taliban fighters ///

/// He said he was particularly annoyed at articles comparing his role as an Apache co-pilot gunner to Spitfire crews waiting to scramble during the second world war. "No it's not like that at all," he said. ///

/// Prince Harry's assertion that he has killed Taliban fighters while deployed as a helicopter gunner in Afghanistan drew intense media coverage in Britain on Tuesday and sparked concerns about possible reprisals. ///

/// 'Harry has made himself a prime target': Prince under fire after comparing Taliban kills to PlayStation games ///

/// The shadow defence secretary suggested that Harry had been overly 'candid' in discussing his role in the fighting - and experts warned he had made himself 'a prime target'. ///

/// The frank admission from Harry that he had personally killed enemy fighters drew a backlash from anti-war activists, some former soldiers and the Taliban themselves. ///

/// It is unusual for returning soldiers with any kind of profile to highlight their achievements in killing enemy fighters. ///

Mmmm, newspaper comments......must be true then......

From the interview that I saw I am impressed that the press have managed to exptrapolate so much twaddle! And even worse some people believe it.
So you're copying headlines from the daily sh!t sheets AOG but also claim you saw the interview.
If you actually DID see the interview and inwardly digested it then you would not concur with any of the sensationalist and totally inaccurate reporting, would you?
if you had watched the various reportage on the news, then it would rather different from what the newspapers have conjured up. And quite honestly that was also what he said, that they make stuff up, it annoys him, but what can he do, absolutely nothing.
The whole thing was arranged in a deal between the Mod and the Press.

Any complaints take it to them:

/By and large, the military and Buckingham Palace got what it wanted: little coverage of the prince over the past 20 weeks, allowing him to get on with his day job without any security scares.

In the meantime, the MoD gave reporters from the Press Association a chance to interview Harry. This is where the MoD gambled again. The agency garnered more than 11,000 words of colour and quotes, and the MoD asked for only 30 words to be removed, thought to be for operational security reasons.

The MoD judged that, if taken in their proper context, nothing the prince said should be censored. It would be odd, they thought, if the commander of an Apache had spent four months in Helmand without shooting at insurgents.

What cannot be denied is that Captain Wales is good news for the military. More than that, he is a PR gold bar. Harry is probably the most popular man in the royal family, and he is certainly the most popular royal in the armed forces./
i would take him home, if only to share a coffee and some jokes, he looks like a nice bloke, and doesn't every mum needs a son like this, Diana would be proud.
Didn't Diana campaign against blowing people up?

Obviously, when Johnny Taliban posts his videos gloating at killing Brits he is just showing his barbarism.
did Harry gloat, don't think he did, not in any of the footage.
and do the taliban gloat, unlikely they know the meaning of the word.
For Funks Sake whats with the criticism??? This is a young Army Captain doing a job in a warzone yet no matter what he does we all bask in the media hype over what he's said. We've gotten soft, that's what he's paid not a hell of a lot of money to do.

If he hadn't shot at rag heads I be more concerned about him NOT doing his job, he's a trainattack helicopter pilot, it's his job to shoot the buggers!! Andrew was a S&R pilot not an attack pilot though he'd have been trained in anti submarine warfare and if necessary have dropped torpedos on Argy subs....(if they hadn't chickened out and stayed home!!)

this guy wants to live his life and do his job unfortunately as a royal he won't get the chance.....give him a break, him and his brother are two of the brightest and best assests the UK has, the media should be shot for the crap they give them!!

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