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Boomaker Robbery

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gordie1 | 00:38 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | News
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What a shame for that poor guy who died robbing Ladbrokes with an immitation gun I know it was wrong I wonder whether he had a heartattack?


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The gas mask wasn't necessarily the cause of death. I remember some time ago a man in custody in a police van died because officers were 'restraining' him by sitting on his chest. He couldn't breath.
going on the twisted logic of some judges today the restrainers could end up serving prison sentences
The police have already stated that none of the people who restrained him will be arrested. Common sense thank God.
well, I hope they've actually investigated the matter before deciding that nobody will be arrested. Because if some over-enthusastic customer did try to kill him, he'll have literally got away with murder.
Possibly died of positional asphyxiation.
In one way it was fortunate that it were members of the public who restrained him and not the police, or answers from some quarters would I am sure be very different.
Check out the front page. Career criminal 2 nd time he had done this.

sorry no sympathy at all.
Fair enough he had indeed done this before- this is robbery not murder, so do all you fine upstanding individuals who are baying like jackals approve of the death sentence for robbery then, because you certainly seem to?
I don't always take the case of the under dog Sqad, I simply try to be rational and look at all the circumstances and from every side before I get a rope out and sling it over the nearest tree. I have had extensive experience of not very nice people at all, some truly nasty pieces of work but very, very few imho deserve to die, and certainly not a small time petty criminal who is a recovering drink and drug addict. It was not a real gun, there is a massive difference between going armed to kill and waving a toy gun around.
As Jno says isn't it welcoming that ahead of an inquest etc the police have already decided not to charge anyone with anything relating to his death- just better hope no-one stabbed him in the head with one of those classy little pens they have kicking about, beat him to death or otherwise intentionally harmed him more than necessary otherwise that's just a licence to murder someone doing something you don't like, but I imagine that will be fine with a lot of people here and then people wonder why there are people like this and why they don't have the society they think they deserve.
so do all you fine upstanding individuals who are baying like jackals approve of the death sentence for robbery then, because you certainly seem to?

Having no sympathy is not the same as what you are implying, Nox.
Nox....showing no sympathy does not make me in favour of the death penalty for thieves. He brought about his own death. I have been homeless, sitting in a bus shelter with only the clothes I wore and a few shillings in my hand. Didn't make me turn to robbery.
Had he scared a punter in the bookmakers to death would you still feel as sorry for his circumstances?
Granted I don't have all the facts but I still don't think it's " a shame for the poor guy who died robbing"
It was not a real gun......

Comforting for the traumatised customers I'm sure.
''It was not a real gun......

Comforting for the traumatised customers I'm sure.''

Yes actually it is very comforting- huge difference between a real firearm and a toy, before, during and after.
Bring back Outlawry !!
feel sorry for his family but he had a gun real or not .the people who tackled him are brave hope they are not charged
Assuming that the general public can spot a fake gun. Which in the circumstances would not have been easy. Just deserts as far as I'm concerned. Can't abide these Lilly livered liberal attitudes to the scum in society.
Nox...I keep a cricket bat by my bed. If some drug crazed nut breaks in with a gun in his hand I won't wait for him to comfort me with the information that it's....."only a toy love".
I frequent need to restrain people, sometimes on a daily basis, we are taught how to restrain people safely and how not cause injury or death through restraint, if restraint is carried out by members of the public they would probably be unaware of such risks but the Police would almost certainly be aware of such problems.
I agree that the members of the public should not be charged but if he died through being restrained by the Police then it would need to be looked at very carefully as it would appear they did not follow protocol and ensure he was breathing.
If they hadnt of acted the way they did, how would they have known that the gun was fake and that in a panic or other wise he wouldnt have started shooting them ?

Better safe than sorry I would have thought

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