I'm not really talking of off-chances nor did I mention a three bed house. There are a number of situations that have to be considered, e.g the disabled who need a separate room for a carer for respite. This policy should not be carte blanche. Anyone who has a lot of children should make the effort to find accommodation themselves, or limit their family, not leave it to the Government or local Council as the trend is nowadays. Read the link, the single man who is separated from his wife, he is on benefits living in a two bedroomed flat, his children stay at the weekends, he can't afford the money for the extra rent but he will have to find it or not see his children, I think it is grossly unfair. The housing situation is dire, the councils have not replenished their housing stock. There are hundreds of Council houses and flats boarded up needing renovation, or in need of demoliton and rebuilding. There is the problem. Renovate and fill the empty houses, and then think about grabbing extra rents. The Goverment should allow the Housing Department's money to defray these extra costs, the population is expanding, immigration is said to be getting worst, and the sitting ducks are the tenants minding their own business and trying to make the best of their situations.