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don't understand the original post, is it a trick question?
Yes of course they should stay.
Most white South Africans originated from British stock and therefore should be entitled to stay.
I do not think their genetic heritage would play any part in the determination of whether these kids should stay here or not common decency would say that the children should remain with their father wherever possible.

And the comment that most white south africans come from british stock is anyway factually incorrect. The majority of white south africans would trace their heritage back to Afrikaans stock (Dutch, German or French Heritage).
pdq1 - maybe you're thinking of Australians?
Australians? Didn't we send most of their ancestors as far away as we could so as to rid our country of low-life criminals?
Most white South Africans were Dutch German and French Hugenots, British too.
I am amazed that this man is not allowed to stay, he has a British Passport, the same as those hate preachers and the ones who have the Human Rights because they gave a cat living here. Truly crazy.

That cat story was bogus I'm afraid.

It was 'dailymailed' (real story had been twisted to suit the paper's narrative).

Then it gained currency and people took it as fact. You're in good company though...even Theresa May bought it.

The following link has a link to the judicial review and the real reason the leave to remain was granted:
Question Author

/// Australians? Didn't we send most of their ancestors as far away as we could so as to rid our country of low-life criminals? ///

And now the rest of the World are doing likewise, but short of discovering another 'Australia' this time they are sending them to Britain.
Should the children be allowed to stay, AOG?
Was this a rhetorical question, aog , and you were amusing yourself by inviting us to answer it, fools that we are? Or did you seriously think the topic debatable? If the latter, please play 'devil's advocate' by presenting the opposing argument.
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/// That cat story was bogus I'm afraid. ///

On the contrary,

/// Last night, Downing Street sources were standing by Mrs May’s version of events – which was supported by the court papers from the original case in 2009. ///

/// While the cat was not the main reason for the decision not to deport the man, the pet was explicitly mentioned by the immigration judge, who said: ‘The evidence concerning the joint acquisition of Maya (the cat) by the appellant and his partner reinforces my conclusion on the strength and quality of [their] family life.’ ///

/// The case had been thought to have involved a man and his girlfriend, but in fact the judgement reveals that the couple are two gay men. ///

/// The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal ruled that sending the Bolivian man back to his homeland would breach his human rights because he was entitled to a "private and family life", and joint ownership of a pet was evidence that he was fully settled in this country. ///
Question Author

/// Was this a rhetorical question, aog , and you were amusing yourself by inviting us to answer it, fools that we are? Or did you seriously think the topic debatable? If the latter, please play 'devil's advocate' by presenting the opposing argument. ///

Unless you are unaware this site is called 'The AnswerBank' and one is allowed to ask questions, and what is the point of asking questions if one already knows the answer.

So I think it is most rude of yourself to suggest I am just 'amusing' myself by inviting others to answer it, and wasn't it you who labelled yourself a fool, not I?

And yes I do think this issue is debatable and that was my reason for presented it, but I do not have need to play 'devil's advocate' as I am quite capable of joining into the debate without doing so, just as I am doing now.
Ah,well there we are. There I was thinking your questions might all have a point,aog.
Just about right for the UK, keep one eyed hook & his cronies, keep the killers from abroad that they can not deport as it's against their H.R.
///I am amazed that this man is not allowed to stay,///

Did you actually bother reading the link?
they are not trying to deport the father, just the children
Question Author

/// Ah,well there we are. There I was thinking your questions might all have a point,aog. ///

They do, in this case;

If that was directed at me Baldric Yes I did.
TWR, it does not all revolve around you, my first line was a quote from further up the page, it was not your quote was it?
@AoG 30 plus posts ( including around 3 from your good self) - the general consensus of the respondents would suggest that most think the kids should stay - whats your opinion, AoG?

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Should These Children Be Allowed To Stay In This Country?

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