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Got The Water Bill Today.....

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Jeza | 22:03 Tue 19th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Why send them out mid February when they're not due till April, any way we don't have a meter just an annual bill. This year £426.57p. It seems a lot to me. This is Yorkshire water. When I queried it I was told it is based on the rateable value of your home. When I said rates were abolished years ago she hung up on me. So is it now based on your council tax band? What do others pay?


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I swapped to a water meter and only pay £120 a year now,give or take a tenner. Best thing I ever did,
There was a thread about water bills recently and it seemed that if you live in a densely populated water authority your bill was lower.

I live in the south east in a 4 bed detached house with two occupants and pay £12pm on a meter.
You should look into getting a meter, Jeza. That sounds awfully high to me. We pay less than half that and I'm with YW.
So you pay about the same as me eccles. i have to say though, I am very good about saving water. Shortest poss programme on washing machine and dishwasher when possible etc...
I have to pay two water bills - one to Southern Water for providing it and one to Portsmouth Water for draining it (or the other way round, can't remember which). Haven't got the figures handy but I'm sure it comes to much more than £426.
I'm pretty careful with water consumption too Smow, it is really quite scary what some people are paying for their water.

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There are only two of us and I can't remember the last time I had a bath. (No I'm not a dirty cow) I will look in to a meter. I bet there is a reason I can't have one.
Yep ive always been good. I do drive hubby a tad mad though. in the summer, if ive been boiling veg,pasta etc, when I drain the water I leave it to go cold and water the plants with it. He thinks I am mental!
And there you have it. You are probably paying the subsidy for those who have taken the discount to have a meter that can not be removed afterwards by another who does not want it. Another step towards the merchants gaining power over the citizen. A decent society ensures all it's members are provided such a basic need without having to count the pennies.
We pay about £21 p.m. for a flat with just the two of us and we don't have a washine machine. We have a community laundrette for which we pay a service charge each month.
Perhaps I should have a chat with Anglia Water.
Ours was nearer £800 for a band D property (although yes it was based on rateable values rather than property banding) , until we switched to a meter last year and our bill halved- so yours doesn't sound at all high to me.
They send them out early to give you advance warning. If they sent them out later people would complain at the lack of notice
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NO one has answered, is it now based on your council tax band.
We are metered.
Anglia Water charges are very high, parkie.
To clarify, I didnt actually have a choice in having a water meter. When i moved into this house it was compulsory that everybody moving into a new home has to have a water meter.
I have answered. I said it's based on rateable values not council tax bands
I'm sorry Jeza I don't know the answer to your first question and I don't know what my council tax band is. I was trying to help by sharing with you the what I pay, the nature of my property and the number of occupants.
If you are on your own then a water meter is the answer. If you have about ten teenagers living with you, all having 20 showers a day and supplying you with x amount of washing then you will not gain anything. It all depends on the amount of water you use. I went over to a meter and as smow says it was the best thing I ever did. Halved my bill immediately and I am hoping it will be even less with the care I take not to use too much water. I still have a shower each day, by the way, so not saving there, but I only put the washing machine on when it is full and so on.
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Thanks Rocky. I will ring YW tomorrow. The robbing bast****.
In the 70's YW built pipelines to move water around, In the last drought and hose pipe ban they sold water to other authorities. Surely YW customers should benefit if they are selling it. After all we have to suffer the rainfall.

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