Society & Culture27 mins ago
Percentages Of Religions
3 Answers
What are the percentages of members of different religions in the UK?
Duplicate question of http://www.t heanswerbank ty-and-Cultu re/Religion- and-Spiritua lity/Questio n1224819.htm l Here's the percentages as of 2011 (Last Census for UK) http:// en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Religion_ in_ the_ United_ Kingdom
16:45 Wed 13th Mar 2013
Duplicate question of http:// www.the answerb uk/Soci ety-and -Cultur e/Relig ion-and -Spirit uality/ Questio n122481 9.html
Here's the percentages as of 2011 (Last Census for UK)
http:// pedia.o rg/wiki /Religi on_in_t he_Unit ed_King dom
Here's the percentages as of 2011 (Last Census for UK)