This is my problem ...
The gay community have spent decades saying ... just accept us.
Accept or way of life.
Accept our principles.
Let us get on with it, even if you don't like us very much.
And now, that has (largely) been achieved.
So now this couple, with their strange beliefs, are saying ...
Just accept us, and our beliefs, even if you don't like us very much.
I live in the middle of the biggest gay community in the UK (although I'm not part of it) (well, mostly not, lol) so it's easy to say what I'm about to say, because this is an easy place to be gay, but ... frankly ...
Sod them.
Life is too short to waste it, getting agitated about silly people like that.
Let them have their silly Christians and their dull middle class heterosexuals. Some of us know where the best fun is to be had and, around here, it's the gay bars. Ignore people like that and, eventually, they will crawl away.
The argument against leaving them alone is that, if they get away with it, then lots of other people will do the same thing. But no they won't. Because other people don't agree with them. In fact, if AB is a fair cross section of society, pretty much no one agrees with them.
Besides, why would anyone want to stay with such dull, ghastly people? Nobody in their right mind. So why do we want the law to force them to let us stay with them?