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Abu Q Staying

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Gromit | 12:04 Wed 27th Mar 2013 | News
43 Answers
// Court of appeal rejects home secretary's attempt to overturn decision to block radical cleric's deportation

The home secretary, Theresa May, has lost her latest legal attempt to deport the radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada back to Jordan.

The court of appeal rejected her attempt to overturn a ruling by the British special immigrations appeals commission (Siac) blocking Qatada's return to Jordan to stand trial on the grounds that he faced a real risk of evidence obtained by torture being used against him.

The home secretary's appeal was rejected unanimously by three appeal court judges including the master of the rolls, Lord Dyson. //

Hey ho?


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"If you kick him out of the country Gran and he helps bring down a BA flight what are you going to say to the relatives?"

Are you really as stupid and naive as i think you are !?

"whose side are You on? "

and that is exactly what needs to be asked of you and the likes of JTP, who makes it pretty clear that he is happy with this country being thrown away.
We Little Englanders..... that is those born and bred here and whose father's fought in the World wars, did quite well until we were inundated by all the immigrants now ruining our country. 'We' is my country, and our own law and order, not dictated by Human Rights or Brussels. The law is now watered down by people like Cherie Blair who support people like him. He should have been put on the plane to Jordan no messing. What they do to him is his own look-out. He has no claim here. There are other nutters quite prepared to bring a BA plane down any time your claims are pathetic. BTW we do not close on Wednesdays. only my hairdresser.
He may leave voluntarilaly when the spare bedroom tax starts to bite.
The only country that actually *wants* him on their soil is Jordan.
It seems that we are unable to send him back there, willingly or unwillingly, because of the concerns about their use of torture to have recovered evidence against him.
We can't stick him on an aeroplane and kick him onto the tarmac of a foreign country with a cheery wave and a cry of 'you can deal with him, now'.
an 'al' too many there ^. Voluntarily
There's the pity JTH.
"We can't stick him on an aeroplane and kick him onto the tarmac of a foreign country "

who said anything about tarmac ?........theres plenty of ocean to drop him into
But what has he actually done, apart from getting himself a bad press?
the powers that be believe he is a hate preacher, rabble rouser, having said that there are Christians who do the same, and they aren't locked up for it.
sandy - he and his family apparently entered the UK with fake passports.
Of course she has! The next move will be to pay him compensation .
The judges said the court accepted that Qatada "is regarded as a very dangerous person", but that was not "a relevant consideration" under human rights laws.

Even the judges admit he's dangerous; and what about the ooman rights of the POTENTIAL victims, people of the UK of al nationalities, creed and colour. What about them!!!??? I think it's ridiculous that we have no say in who stays in our country and who doesn't.
Costs us tax payers £100000 per week to keep this bearded B under constant surveilance and protection. Theresa May should resign. It's costing even more with continued false optimism at her getting rid of this scum. I presume he has a number of wives claiming benefits. Sick of the whole business.
Wonder if Qatty has entered this . . .
Yawn ...
/Are you really as stupid and naive as i think you are !?/

I don't think baz is in any way capable of judging that sort of thing
/"whose side are You on? " /

Well not yours baz because i'm over here with the decent, honest British people who have fought for years to ensure a country with laws, ethical standards and a belief in justice

You on the other hand
/theres plenty of ocean to drop him into /

seem to be lined up with the sub-humans we Brits despise and regularly defeat
No one has stated the obvious. All the barristers etc. are making a fortune from this, prosecuting, defending, getting new evidence, He's keeping a load of people in luxury why should anyone want him to go, He's a money spinner for the mega rich.
He's a mini-industry annie

for lots of lawyers, journos, pundits

has anyone considered, if he was kicked out, how many Special Branch officers would lose their jobs - or at least a significant amount of overtime?

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