No Anne. They first need to get leave to appeal from the single judge. If leave is given it goes to the Court of Appeal. There are lots of different grounds, disparity of sentence, wrong at law, manifestly excessive, matters improperly taken into account or not taken into account and others.
I wondered what you were getting at em10 until I read jack's post, pointing out my incorrect spelling of Conservatory, (damn spell checker), but thanks anyway jack for pointing that out, rather funny where the wrong spelling can put a completely different meaning to a post, enough in this case to upset a fellow ABer. sorry!
/// sorry did you mean conservatory then. I am confused. ///
Yes of course I did, but blimey after reading further posts you wasn't on your own, unintentionally I nearly started a class war.
If you look at the pictures you will see Phillpot and some family members in the said conservatory (checks to see if I have spelt it correctly) also there is reference to him trying to climb on it's roof to get to a bedroom window.
Did he try and take all the blame himself, or was he happy to drag her down with him? During the West's trial, Fred tried to take all the blame stating that Rose knew nothing.
so did i, hence the mix up.
was looking at sky news and one post on this matter, said that had this case been tried in US, it would have been 6 x life sentences, and that would mean never coming out, good point.