Media sensationalism. No I'm not defending him. But a) it wasn't him who parked there and b) it's hardly 'dispicable'. I'm more concerned about him eating a McDonalds.
I don't think it's very important except to highlight that he considers himself as something special that rules don't apply to, but I'm sure we already knew that.
Not despicable, he probably wasn't the one who parked it there. Dave & George usually have chauffeurs anyway. Don't know about him eating a big Mac though.
It is media sensationalism, but he does have an unfortunate habit of getting into these situations.
It was only back end of last year that there were 2, possibly 3 instances where Mr.Osborne parked himself in 1st class carriage of the train having only paid standard fare....
i wish he hadn't, because he did what some others are doing, that is tarring all benefit claimants with the same brush, he should stay out of cases like that, it's for the law, not the stupid politicians.