We are flying the English flag today to celebrate St George's day.
You will try and remember that the 30th of November is St Andrew's day. You forgot last year and I have a feeling that you also forgot the year before.
Thank you Mr Ed. - are you really the famous actor of that name? A fine looking horse you are then.
You are forgiven. Today has been such a brilliant day (not) that I am off back to bed.
Tony - My little brother is Andrew1707 - he defected to England, married an English girl and they had three little English babies. Worse than that he doesn't have a cat or a dog - they have a Hamster.
As long as you give me a nudge I should remember! Sadly it is a manual process which means if the day falls on a weekend (as I believe it did last year) it's quite possible I will forget about it.
Also, we do Burns night? I always think of that as a proper Scottish day :)