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Is It Racist To Show Concern Over This Fact?

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anotheoldgit | 10:48 Fri 03rd May 2013 | News
114 Answers

Should we be like any other country and that is proud of our heritage and our culture?

Surely we should be able to discuss this without any accusations of racism being banded about, I ask this because there was such a debate on this academic study on a radio phone-in last night.

Although a caller gave an educated argument showing concern at the fact that Briton will in the future cease to be a white nation, he was named called by the presenter, and then when he was off the air the bias presenter allowed mainly black persons on to welcome and rejoice the fact.

Why is it white persons are openly accused of 'speaking a load of rubbish', called idiots, racists etc, etc. by these left-wing presenters, yet when a black person phones in they are praised, never called names, and finally thanked for phoning the show with their valuable input?



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The only difference is - you appear to live with fear and dread, and I do not, and since neither of us can change what will be - I prefer my lifestyle to yours, thanks.
18:13 Sat 04th May 2013
baz, surely the question is "What is the harm?" not "What is the benefit?" for there could be no benefit but , if that were so, if there was no harm there should be no complaint about a mixture of colours and backgrounds.

"Seems that some are right all the time, but others although they are not racist, have still to accept that they are badly informed, bigoted and tend to issue out sensational nonsense.

Yet others are not to be opposed for their views at all."

Where did I say that anyone is not to be opposed? Or that anyone is always right? Those aren't things I believe at all.

All I've said is that I think most of the criticisms of modern immigration policy currently going aren't very well informed and are essentially wrong in their basic assumptions. But they're not racist. You asked for opinions and I gave you mine. Who the hell do you think you are to call me 'undemocratic'?
I don't see the big deal. Some old traditions will die out. Some new ones will be born.

And if white Britons are in a minority in 2066...I really wouldn't care.

There should be no apostophe in pinkos.

I see the great tradition of good grammar is one that is definitely on the wane.

It's the "grocer's apostrophe", sp, and a long-established British tradition in its own right
o no!

is ymb from Grantham by any chance?
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/// Strange that the cultures and traditions that most seem to obsess you most just happen to be non-white ///

That is totally untrue and can only be a figment of your imagination, you wish people to have a thing against black people, so that you can ride your anti racist horse into an attack situation.

It just happens that some of our immigrants happen to have a black skin others brown and some white, and they all bring with them their own particular culture, religion and ways, some that are quite acceptable to my culture and others that are quite alien.

Not liking some persons is not being racist, it is human nature, if a group of travelling persons happened to set up home next to your house are you telling me that you would adopt a live and let live attitude, or would you do so only if they happened to be black?

Being black does not give one the sole privilege of being accepted into a community no matter what alien culture they wish to adopt.

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/// And if white Britons are in a minority in 2066...I really wouldn't care. ///

That is racist coming from a black man.
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/// youngmafbog

There should be no apostophe in pinkos.

I see the great tradition of good grammar is one that is definitely on the wane.

Shame... ///

Oh dear the lengths some will sink to when they can't get their way.
"even thinking you could somehow 'preserve' them as they are now is in itself peculiar and foolish "

oh i see, we should just roll over and let the country be flooded with africans , asians , muslims etc etc

brilliant idea, why didnt I think of that
Aog, what's your answer to the proposition that the very wording of your OP suggests that you are more interested in Britain ceasing to be a "white nation" than in the broader topic of all immigrants and non-white Britons being here?
We were warned. Enoch Powell and Alf Garnett told us.
Sir.prize, were those two figures of fun, created by leftist writing? I think one of them certainly was. Did you take him seriously?
AOG - "Being black does not give one the sole privilege of being accepted into a community no matter what alien culture they wish to adopt."

Absolutely - and being white does not give one the sole priviledge of dicating who may or may not occupy a certain section of the planet, no matter what alien culture they fear is going to polute their own.
Once again His Gitship embarrasses himself amid a sea of disagreement and attacks anyone who so much as disagrees then his nodding dogs start dishing out the insults.
Change the record, for the love of Allah!
Oh Yes, Fred. Very seriously.

Up the 'ammers!
..and to answer your question:
"Is It Racist To Show Concern Over This Fact?"
Well, for one thing I would question that it is a "fact".
Aside from that, yes I think it is racist and more specifically "white supremacist".
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/// Absolutely - and being white does not give one the sole priviledge of dicating who may or may not occupy a certain section of the planet, no matter what alien culture they fear is going to polute their own. ///

Oh so we were wrong to stop Hitler and the Nazis trying to occupy this certain section of the planet were we?

Good job you weren't around in 1940, with those sort of views, because I certainly didn't want that alien culture polluting this country.
Godwin's law -- ding ding ding!! Thread over.

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