Film, Media & TV4 mins ago
Is It Racist To Show Concern Over This Fact?
114 Answers
http:// www.exp .uk/new s/uk/39 6390/Mi grants- change- UK-fore ver-Whi te-Brit ons-wil l-be-in -minori ty-by-2 066
Should we be like any other country and that is proud of our heritage and our culture?
Surely we should be able to discuss this without any accusations of racism being banded about, I ask this because there was such a debate on this academic study on a radio phone-in last night.
Although a caller gave an educated argument showing concern at the fact that Briton will in the future cease to be a white nation, he was named called by the presenter, and then when he was off the air the bias presenter allowed mainly black persons on to welcome and rejoice the fact.
Why is it white persons are openly accused of 'speaking a load of rubbish', called idiots, racists etc, etc. by these left-wing presenters, yet when a black person phones in they are praised, never called names, and finally thanked for phoning the show with their valuable input?
Should we be like any other country and that is proud of our heritage and our culture?
Surely we should be able to discuss this without any accusations of racism being banded about, I ask this because there was such a debate on this academic study on a radio phone-in last night.
Although a caller gave an educated argument showing concern at the fact that Briton will in the future cease to be a white nation, he was named called by the presenter, and then when he was off the air the bias presenter allowed mainly black persons on to welcome and rejoice the fact.
Why is it white persons are openly accused of 'speaking a load of rubbish', called idiots, racists etc, etc. by these left-wing presenters, yet when a black person phones in they are praised, never called names, and finally thanked for phoning the show with their valuable input?
The only difference is - you appear to live with fear and dread, and I do not, and since neither of us can change what will be - I prefer my lifestyle to yours, thanks.
17:13 Sat 04th May 2013
Yes it is racist - especially when 'colour' is highlighted as the principal differentiating characteristic. When you write of 'our' culture and 'our' tradition, what you really mean is 'white' history - a narrative dominated by the exploitation of many races throughout the Empire. Thank goodness, this is now a multicultural nation, rich in diversity and, apart from those holding bigoted views, celebration and warmth towards the immigrants who contribute to the country as a whole.
One has to ask would a predominately black country also be right to be concerned if their country was being populated with white persons so much so that in future years they could see themselves along with their culture becoming almost extinct.
Some would say that skin colour does not matter, and that is perfectly true, because we are all homo-sapiens, but it is all a matter of culture, and national identity, and we should all be proud of that, enough to show concern on it's future existence.
Some would say that skin colour does not matter, and that is perfectly true, because we are all homo-sapiens, but it is all a matter of culture, and national identity, and we should all be proud of that, enough to show concern on it's future existence.
With regard to AOG's point as to whether 'black' countries would be right to be concerned at "being populated with white persons", I expect the indigenous populations of many African nations, Australia, New Zealand, India were indeed somewhat miffed during those glorious days of Empire. But any resistance was, of course, put down with the utmost brutality - so I suppose we'll never really know!
One has to ask would a predominately black country also be right to be concerned if their country was being populated with white persons so much so that in future years they could see themselves along with their culture becoming almost extinct.
Like Australia?
And I welcome a greater mix of colours to the UK. We should have a rainbow of colours and backgounds - like Brazil.
No problem with white Britons being in a minority at all.
Like Australia?
And I welcome a greater mix of colours to the UK. We should have a rainbow of colours and backgounds - like Brazil.
No problem with white Britons being in a minority at all.
To me, I find it useful to think of modern Western racism as a loose affiliation with the sort of ideas posited by such thinkers as Georges Cuvier or the Comte de Buffon. Namely, the following key principals:
- there are intrinsic intellectual, social, and physical differences between races of people that are overwhelmingly caused by genetic heritage.
- Because of these intrinsic differences, some races are superior to others.
- the white/caucasian race is superior to all others.
Obviously there's different kinds of racism that wouldn't fall under the 'western' category - the ancient Chinese belief that their empire was an intermediary between heaven and earth, and that all other civilizations could be classified as 'barbarians' or subjects, does I think count as being pretty racist, albeit in a different context (and certainly not at a time when anyone thought racism was a problem).
I am not someone who is particularly critical of current-day immigration policies, and I think the considerable benefits outweigh the (also considerable) costs. But it's pretty clear to me that being critical of immigration doesn't necessarily commit you to any of the above ideas. I think it's badly informed, and often manifests in rather bigoted ways - but I don't think that being a critic of immigration at all means that someone is a racist.
And incidentally, neither does being pro-immigration mean you are anti-UK or want to see British society destroyed or any other such sensational nonsense.
- there are intrinsic intellectual, social, and physical differences between races of people that are overwhelmingly caused by genetic heritage.
- Because of these intrinsic differences, some races are superior to others.
- the white/caucasian race is superior to all others.
Obviously there's different kinds of racism that wouldn't fall under the 'western' category - the ancient Chinese belief that their empire was an intermediary between heaven and earth, and that all other civilizations could be classified as 'barbarians' or subjects, does I think count as being pretty racist, albeit in a different context (and certainly not at a time when anyone thought racism was a problem).
I am not someone who is particularly critical of current-day immigration policies, and I think the considerable benefits outweigh the (also considerable) costs. But it's pretty clear to me that being critical of immigration doesn't necessarily commit you to any of the above ideas. I think it's badly informed, and often manifests in rather bigoted ways - but I don't think that being a critic of immigration at all means that someone is a racist.
And incidentally, neither does being pro-immigration mean you are anti-UK or want to see British society destroyed or any other such sensational nonsense.
Partly so, it can be argued. Changing the country you grew up in to one you no longer recognise is a valid concern. I feel there is too much change within one lifetime these days that normal human desire for stability is treated as something to be sneered at. But I think many will feel that you ought not be concerned at the colour of an individual's skin and so be unbothered. (I'm unsure if you should be unconcerned about culture change also. I suspect that may gain a more sympathetic ear.) I can understand having all familiar stripped from you is something folk feel uncomfortable about, and think they should be able to voice this without the details being used to undermine the concern. But yes, there is a racist element in it.
And I welcome a greater mix of colours to the UK. We should have a rainbow of colours and backgounds - like Brazil.
Provided they embrace the language, culture etc, no problem whatsoever.
It's probably one reason why France 'moved the goalposts':
http:// www.fra nce24.c om/en/2 0111012 -new-im migrati on-rule s-requi re-know ledge-f rench-l anguage -govern ment
Should have clarified too, my earlier post was aimed at Border Agencies and Controls worldwide, not specifically UK.
Provided they embrace the language, culture etc, no problem whatsoever.
It's probably one reason why France 'moved the goalposts':
Should have clarified too, my earlier post was aimed at Border Agencies and Controls worldwide, not specifically UK.
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