You lot are unbelievable, I don't know if you are all suffering a great big 'post Saturday night binge hangover' but if you are don't take it out on me..
I have had accusations of being anti-black, accusations of daring to post from Daily Mail reports when actually it was from the Telegraph, criticisms over my choice of headline, an accusation of Labour bashing when there is nothing in my post to suggest that, an accusation of 'usual weekend shyte-stirring', and more insults coming from the mentally disturbed "Sunday often being more vitriolic, with your hangover banging away" incidentally for his and others information, I drink very little and not a drop past my lips last evening.
But since you get rather frustrated when there is nothing in my post to get the 'pack' howling for my blood, I put this link before you, but could not possibly comment on it, I just happened to come across it when I was searching for other newspaper reports on Mr Bailey's demotion.
Get your teeth into that.