Hope it didn't happen and that it's a false report but probably that's a fool's hope. This is why I was calling for no knee-jerk reactions earlier, although it's obviously perfectly possible to condemn this act without being violent in turn.
I've never understood the whole eye for an eye mentality.
There are some truly vile postings on FB at the moment. I even reported a particular page as the things on it were particularly offensive and IMO, could cause even more horror to be committed.
I've seen some horrible and spectacularly moronic comments in Live Leaks in reference to this. Comments that make AB's contingent of right-wing extremists look like cuddly teddy bears.
Let's hope we don't have an outbreak of violence perpetrated by knuckle draggers using this incident as an excuse to vent their nasty little spleens.
"Maybe that is what these fanatics are hoping for.. a holy war"
They're unlikely to get one here in UK where 99% of the Muslim population are peace loving.
Yes, AP, 99% of the Muslim community are law abiding but are they doing and saying enough to condemn and prevent terrible crimes like this ? I don't know.
I condemn 'revenge' attacks completely as they are indiscriminate, heinous, and play into the extremists' hands.
"99% of the Muslim community are law abiding but are they doing and saying enough to condemn and prevent terrible crimes like this?"
Why should it be their responsibility? They're probably about as privy to information about the fanatics' activities/plans as any of the rest of us are.
"This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly
...Our thoughts are with the victim and his family. We understand the victim is a serving member of the Armed Forces. Muslims have long served in this country's Armed Forces, proudly and with honour. This attack on a member of the Armed Forces is dishonourable, and no cause justifies this murder."
Yes all very laudable. But alas the Muslim Council of Great Britain does not represent the sort of nutcases who perpetrate atrocities such as these. It is not the law abiding majority with whom we should be concerned but the relatively small number of nutcases who do this sort of thing.
There is obviously no way under current legislation that people who are intent on causing such mayhem can be properly dealt with. The only solution for the UK is to withdraw our troops from the hell holes where they are currently "keeping Britain safe" and use them here to make a concerted effort to detect and inter those intent on casing death and destruction. It's no use pussyfooting around. These nutters believe they are at war with the West so they must suffer the consequences of war: they may be shot dead by the security forces; they may be apprehended and interred for as long as the authorities think fit. The time for appeasement has long since passed.
Cue now for the "Ah yes but...." brigade who believe we should abide by the usual rules when dealing with religious fanatics who have no intention of abiding by the usual rules themselves.