Quizzes & Puzzles15 mins ago
What A Tragedy
two girls killed for dancing, it's just inconceivable that people hate so much they would do this.
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/w orld/as ia/teen age-gir ls-shot -in-pak istan-w ere-mur dered-f or-maki ng-vide o-of-th emselve s-danci ng-8680 394.htm l
DT, a very distinct difference can be drawn between the two ‘tragedies ’. One brutally inflicted by the overwhelming and unassailable power of nature – the other inflicted by the brutal and deliberately chosen actions of madmen. No comparison.
21:18 Mon 01st Jul 2013
More like they bring it here than escape it
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/u k/crime /honour -killin g-trial -i-saw- my-pare nts-mur der-sha filea-s ays-sis ter-777 1335.ht ml
Why you have posted this again? AOG posted on this story already...
http:// www.the answerb ank.co. uk/News /Questi on12558 01.html
You contributed to the thread.
You contributed to the thread.
The thing that frightens me is that there appears to have been no mellowing or change in the attitude of these barbarians against women.
The argument is that they have damaged the honour of the family, but they don't see the honour being damaged by murdering defenceless females.
I, like many women, have encountered discrimination or some type or other and 'inappropriate' jokes or statements. It has never been severe enough to bother me. I just can't imagine living in a society where you were lower down the family hierarchy than the family dog.
Will we, as a species, ever change?
The argument is that they have damaged the honour of the family, but they don't see the honour being damaged by murdering defenceless females.
I, like many women, have encountered discrimination or some type or other and 'inappropriate' jokes or statements. It has never been severe enough to bother me. I just can't imagine living in a society where you were lower down the family hierarchy than the family dog.
Will we, as a species, ever change?
Whilst regrettable and horrendous that this is, the bigger tragedy is the loss of those 19 young firefighters in Arizona who were effectively barbecued when lightning set of a fire and, to try and give themselves a chance, they had dug a deep pit and covered themselves in brush and soil to let the resultant fire pass over them. It didn't. Average age of them 22......
Not quite, naomi.....depends on how you define tragedy and in fact both cases are. The Wilkipedia dictionary is a good starting place:
An event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe.
A play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, esp. one concerning the downfall of the main character."
And we have examples of both definitions here, I would surmise.
An event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe.
A play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, esp. one concerning the downfall of the main character."
And we have examples of both definitions here, I would surmise.