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He Should Be Sectioned

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bazwillrun | 12:01 Wed 03rd Jul 2013 | News
25 Answers

does he not want to stay in power !?

under the circumstances youd think he would be courting the voters...


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Bring back the old style politicians. At least many of them gained some respect. Nowadays we get wallies.
I do have some respect for Vince Cable and I like William Hague. Hague became party leader too soon - he has matured now and I think would be a very good leader.
That Opposition front bench is looming nearer and nearer for Dave. Or should I say the Opposition back benches ?
The real treat will be to see Nicky Clegg's face when he and Dozy Dave are booted out.
the non treat will be when the two Ed's, not better than one, get into power...

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He Should Be Sectioned

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