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Dangerous Dogs

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TWR | 18:15 Tue 06th Aug 2013 | News
50 Answers
Should the owners be made to Muzzle these dogs when they are out? & if they are caught what would you fine them?
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we should be doing both, once the dog has been trained to hurt, harm, i can't see how you reverse that action.
some more info, some fatalities caused by the huskies,

Covering 238 fatal attack over a 19 year period. To be honest the statistics are so small that theyre barely relevant. These are not the dogs you are most likely to be bitten by, these are the dogs most likely to be armed with enough strengh to kill you on the rare occasions they do bite.
that was just an example - i suppose you could look up the stats for people being attacked, bitten by dogs and come up with a lot more cases.
"It's the idiot problem we ought to be addressing not the dogs"

meanwhile back in the real world until thats sorted (dream on) lets deal with the dogs,staffs , et al

all dogs on a lead and muzzled in a public place for starters
a lot more than one would think

Dangerous dogs act needs bobbies on the beat to see what happens in some parks and open spaces.
Its not the breed, its the type of people that the breed attract. A very bad recipe when coupled with the amount of damage these dogs can do.

I've owned Bulldogs and Staffies for years, from puppies, rescues etc. They need a calm household with proper socialisation. Our current rescue Staffy doesn't like children but he will walk away if children get too hectic. This isn't always going to be the case with any dog.
no wardens in parks now, so no control, our little local parks are sadly awash with owners who think nothing of letting their dog poop anywhere,
forget the pooper scooper... lovely...
The minority of dog owners spoil it for the majority... those who cannot be bothered to discipline and train their dogs effectively.. nip any problems in the bud (excuse the pun). I prefer 'deed not breed' as ALL dogs small or large are capable of attacking. How about 'children free' parks..where only adults and dog owners can go and have the space to let their dogs run freely.
Perhaps it should be dogs of a certain weight that are muzzled. Would be unfair on labs and Retrievers, but the problem is the strength of the attack - not the likelihood. I have Cavaliers, who are 100% trustworthy imo. But even if they "turned", the damage they could do to a human would be very limited.
Real men have poodles.
As for any dog owners that do not pick up after their dog..I make a habit of carrying dog poo bags in my pocket. .. should I see anyone who doesn't clear up their dogs mess I always ask them to and or offer them a poo bag. Most of them do clear it up then.
"Deed not Breed" indeed. I was sent a utube link of the select committee deliberations on this issue, and this was broadly the consensus, with one sole exception being the Pit Bull Terrier, for a range of reasons, but all related to the central point that this particular dog was bred with hyperaggresive tendencies to bait bears and bulls.
I was once bitten in the face by our 'family" dog. .. he was a mongrel.. no bigger than a staffy.. lovely dog. . But my older sister was tormenting him and he snapped and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. . Not the dogs fault at all. I had surgery on my eyes. . One eyelid was almost bitten off.. and I had to have surgery on tearducts. I was 13. Thankfully only a tiny scar below one eye. But I am not scared of dogs to this day.

///Should the owners be made to Muzzle these dogs when they are out? & if they are caught what would you fine them?///

And if they are caught doing what?
//Dangerous Dogs//. . . . . How do you define dangerous dog TWR?
Any dog even a little one can inflict a nasty bite, or jump up and scratch someome ( it's even been known for some dogs to break a persons arm)
Sharingan; //Covering 238 fatal attack over a 19 year period. To be honest the statistics are so small that theyre barely relevant.//
Pretty crass! I take it you have never even had a non-fatal attack from an out of control dog.

Khandro, have you ^ ^ ^ ?
All dogs should be muzzled when out in public places. Failure to do so would result in the dog being seized and put down. End of.

///End of///

What a ridiculously arrogant phrase!

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