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hawksley | 08:27 Mon 12th Aug 2013 | News
49 Answers
Prince Charlie, has had at least thirty eight private meetings with MPs , this year.All these people are paid and supported from the public purse.should we know what is discussed ,behind closed doors,or is it strictly Eton old boys and old royals.???


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What's Eton got to do with it? I think he has done this with all governments. I believe he is a bit of a liberal or left wing in some of his ideas
Well, I guess as he is heir to the throne, he can do pretty well what he likes !
Bring back Oliver Cromwell.
Bring back Oliver Cromwell???
"...liberal or left wing..."

That's got my lungs and tear ducts going this morning.
Who cares? If anyone is daft enough to be swayed by Charles's personal opinion on topics that matter to him, they really ought not to be MPs. Homoeopathy , anyone?
What do you mean, Fred?
Perhaps they discussed talking to plants.
ummm, Charles is reportedly in favour of homeopathy. His views on architecture are conservative to a degree that he would only be happy in the time of the Adam brothers. He is neither progressive nor, apparenty, possessed of great understanding.
Umm - I think Fred is pointing out Prince Charles' fondness for whacky pseudoscience like Homeopathy.

Just wait till they want to Frack in Cornwall!
Lots of people are in favour of homeopathic methods. Even doctors resort to them at times.
ummm, lots of people are in favour of placebos, though they don't know that, obviously.

Mind over matter. But if it works, it works.

If it works, it works? Really? Well, if you want to take a placebo to treat your illnesses, thats fine, I guess- but we should not be spending public money on treatments with no proven benefit beyond placebo,that have no evidence beyond anecdotal to support them, and which have no scientific plausibility whatsoever.

Charlie is meddlesome. He should confine himself to talking to his plants, and Camilla.
So does the Queen have meetings with the PM on regular weekly occasions, if either is unavailable they will speak to each other via the telephone, do we ever hear what is discussed, and do we ever get the chance to see the minutes of Cabinet meetings?
wouldn't say bring back Cromwell, seeing the devastation he ultimately caused. and quite honestly as heir to the throne, why shouldn't he have input, the Queen does, and so should he, whether it carries any actual weight is a different matter.
Not this year, but over the past 3 years.

The monarchy is npt supposed to interfere with parliament and Charles is over stepping the line. Presumably he is lobbying for his various causes, but that is an breach of the contract we now have with the Royals?
And then there are Charles' letters to Ministers.

For some reason they are fighting very hard to stop us knowing what these letters are about.

What has Charles's interest in homoeopathy got to do with things, but having a Secretary of State for Health, who has no previous Medical knowledge, then that is a different matter all together.

Lazygun - I don't use alternative methods, I don't advocate them either, but for some people it works. Like I said, mind over matter. The placebo effect works, it's been proven in experiments.

The last time I seen a doctor (besides maternity) was in 1996.

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