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A ban on pregnant ladies wearing bikinis too, sigh.
Agreed, so why bare a pregnant belly?
The baby is 4 months. She might have had a toddler with her.

Do you have frilly covers on your piano legs?
She may have done yes.
Why not bare a pregnant belly? It's not repulsive...
No I don't, but I doubt my hub would have wanted folks staring at me in that condition.
Some thing should be private, IMHO.
Victorian bathing suits then.
How can you keep a massive belly private?
Well I respect your opinions, and hope you don't mind me having different ones.
If they want to whip 'em out, let ' long as:

a) I'm in the vicinity, having just dived off a not too high board at the swimming pool

b) I'm incognito, preferably with a long bushy beard and a pair of Ray-Bans

c) I have an underwater camera with zoom facility

and, most importantly...

d) I dont get caught, or if I do, say my name is Sqad :0)
I just don't understand why feeding your baby should be a private moment.
I fed all of mine and used to feed the things at the same time - however I never fed the things at the same time in public as that was something no one should have been subjected to (there's no way you can feed two babies at the same time and show discretion -although I could feed them both and read a book).
Very few are saying it should be private, ummm. But the majority think feeding a baby anything in a public pool is wrong on all sorts of levels. She would not take a bottle in the pool (I hope).
Quite a few have said it should be private.

I wouldn't do it myself but I still disagree with some peoples reasoning.
I don't think it should be private, but it would have been better all round if she had gone to the side of the pool/changing room/cafe where both she and the baby would have been more comfortable.

I was once asked to leave a cafe where I was breastfeeding my son. There was only me and my mum in the place apart from the staff and I had sat right at the back facing away from the till and seating areas, even if someone had come in they wouldn't have realised what I was doing. I had to walk out with a screaming baby and go and sit on a bench in the street to feed him :-/
That's bad, daffy :(
Ummm, "The baby is 4 months. She might have had a toddler with her."

She did, she also had her husband with her.
can't say i would care for it, perhaps it would have been better had she got out the pool first. a lady happily fed her baby in the middle of the supermarket the other day, not sure i approve or disapprove, i know what my mum would say, that you can breastfeed but take a bottle of baby milk with you when out.
I agree with your mum emmie that is how it used to be done now no one cares about the feelings of others in a public place.

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