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TWR | 10:30 Tue 20th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
No link, Mirror this morning, the likely of Muslims getting stopped at the Customs /border control at UK Airports are Muslims, are the justified in doing this? have the Muslims brought this amongst themselves?

"And before some start, I am not."


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I think you need to retype you question.
Lol TWR your question makes no sense at all!
I don't understand your question today TWR. Could you ask it again for me?
///the likely of Muslims getting stopped at the Customs /border control at UK Airports are Muslims,///,
Yes from what you say they would be!

///are the justified in doing this?////,
Are the what/who justified?
More Muslims are stopped more than any other religion?

Have they brought on themselves?

You're not anti Muslim?
Surely there are two questions posed in the OP.

a) Are the customs officers justified in stopping Muslims (I assume stopping those who seem to be muslims more than any other group) ?

b) Did muslims cause this to happen ?

Without reading the article I'm unsure I wish to answer though.
I think:

Is this right? Muslims are more likely to get stopped at the Customs / border patrol at UK airports.
Is the authorities justified in doing this?
Have Muslims brought it on themselves?
"And before some start, I am not."
English I presume
Muslims have no more brought this on themselves that me being thought of as a drunken English yob when I go to the Costas.
I am not a drunken yob.
No hc, but you are part of a larger group who may now all be seen as drunken yobs.
That's my point exactly.
I agree with hc. Muslims haven't brought this on themselves. A minority of Muslims have burdened other Muslims with it.
So that's a full breakfast but no sausages, Muslims are Muslims even in airports and they'll all share the breakfast from a big plate in the middle.
And you're not hungry. :P
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Lets hope not triggs ;-)
Some of you are much better at this than me.

I think it is inevitable considering our relations with the middle east over the last few years/centuries.
If the Border Agency is on the lookout for Ducks then any bird that quacks should give them a clue.
Could have fooled me. From what I`ve seen, it`s Nigerians that get stopped. If you want to bring in shed loads of duty free, do it when the Lagos lands and customs will be otherwise engaged.

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