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Exactly. Overpaid and underworked.
£500 per week and I'll go in goals for your team. Not even Mr Bale will get a goal. and if he gets close I'll show him my teeth. he'll whimper away to the dug out.

Nessie Inverness Caley Thistle

///He does have a nice face. ///

Seriously? are we looking at the same man?
He has sticky out ears and a serious underbite, making him look like a chimp. :-/
No doubt Real Madrid will be hoping that sales of merchandise will more than pay his meagre salary - I wonder what Cristiano Ronaldo will think of Bales salary. Will he spit his dummy out?
small balls (tennis) you have to beat other players with skill ,
large balls (football) you have to run around a field for a while and you can be taken off if you need to comb your hair.
wonder if real madrid are trying to get back at the top of the pay table
I like that underbite thing.

He does not look like a chimp.
I get a little annoyed about this argument
If you ask everyone who watches Bale if they were prepared to pay £1 a week he would probably be on a lot more
It's time the majority of the big money in football went to the player- and like it or not there is a lot of money in football
I don't care whether they are 'worth' it or not. We need big earners, regardless of how they earn it - as long as its taxable.
Each to their own I guess. I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole though, regardless of his salary :)
That would be a good idea. Instead of paying them, everybody sends £1 a week to whichever footballer they want. See how long they last!
Bale won't be paying tax here though will he if he is earning and resident in Spain.
I'm talking in general. Besides, it's not like Spain can do without it.
You are worth what someone is willing to pay for your services. To change that would be tantamount to communism.

Not sure the Bankers quite get to these dizzy heights tough.
For funks sake it's only a game! Grossly overpaid IMO.
No, ymb. That is what the job is worth! And when companies have too much money to know what to do with, i think they lose their grip on reality a bit. How can a footballer be "worth" more than a nurse?
I don't see how you can compare footballers to public sector workers.
Because we're talking about what jobs are worth.
//Is Anyone Worth £256,000 Per Week?//
Well, some of the contributors to CB are priceless.

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