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What On Earth Is Going On???

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sp1814 | 11:14 Wed 09th Oct 2013 | News
34 Answers
Tommy Robinson has quit the EDL and branded his former colleagues 'morons'!

Isn't this something that some of us have been saying for years?

When he was interviewed on BBC's 5 Live radio yesterday, he said he was tired of being associated with "morons" who advocate violence against Muslims.

Who will lead the morons now?


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sp, this should worry you, and indeed anyone, and even if those who did this were caught and punished, and no idea if that was the case, just listen to the comments, this in the capital.
there was a lot more to that original video, where the same people say vile things to a young woman, calling her a nasty name... and the chap she was with.. do you honestly think that EDL are the only people who can be stupid and vile
// do you honestly think that EDL are the only people who can be stupid and vile //


No one has claimed that the EDL have a monopoly on bigotry. We know there are other homophobes and thugs out there.
this is a thread about the EDL
so what, it also includes lines in the post about Muslims, is that not permitted.

// it also includes lines in the post about Muslims, is that not permitted. //

Tommy Robinson mentioned violence against Muslims. You are countering with a video of a muslim thug and homophobe.

What is the point of that?
to show that all in not well in Britain, that there aren't just a few like that guy, that many do believe that we are infidels, that underage marriage and fgm are prevalent in Britain, that much of their culture is completely alien to this country. If they live in Saudi, or Pakistan, then they have to abide by the laws of that country. Going on the commentary it's likely he was born here, and he was not alone, there were other guys you can see and hear from other footage of the same incident, and the point being about fa gs shouldn't go unnoticed, over and over again, in Islam homosexuality is a sin, perhaps it is in other religions but we have laws now in place that give protection on behalf of sexism, racism and homosexuality, all of which doesn't seem to sit well with the likes of many adherents of the Islamic faith.
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This thread concerns Tommy Robinson leaving the EDL. What are your comments on that?

Also, you know that YouTube clip? It was discussed extensively at the time it went viral earlier in the year (or actually, it may have been last year).
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Your post at 14:39 is full of accuracies and debatable points - but this is the wrong thread to do it. This thread is about taking the mickey out of the EDL. From what you've posted it would seem that we're defending Muslim fanatics.

We are not.
i know about that vid because i posted it on here, having watched the unedifying spectacle unfold on the news, i had also see the posters up saying this is a Muslim area, no alcohol and such are allowed, not just in the East End either.
good that he has quit, quite how that will help is anyone's guess and the job he has gone to well that will be for the future days, months to judge,
I trust TR about as far as I could throw him. Even if he were speaking some sense, his accent and aggressive fast delivery just make me instantly switch off.
and i trust the likes of Anjem Choudary even less,
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I think I know the difference between our points of view. I hate Muslim fundamentalists, but I also hate the EDL.

I think they're both scumbags.

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