It's great the amount of people with different religious beliefs and cultures come to Britain and all they do is *** of Britain but at the same time take all the benefits!Is Britain to much of a soft touch? I think so!!
it's the governments job to do something about it!If people come to this country for help,dont disrespect it and claim benefits at the same time!hc4361...You don't want to know what I would do about it!!
well...the government eventually got it right with Abu Hamza, although it took years to get him out of this country, and all the time living on benefits! That's the kind of person I am talking about!Why should we pay benefits to people like that or do you want these people to get benefits! Maybe it's me that's got it wrong!
But it's not just people coming to this country that abuse the benefits system. What about those that are born here and never work a day in their lives?
Wimp - my own personal view - and I don't care about who it upsets - is pretty simple really. Anyone who wants to come here to work, legally and make a contribution to society, whatever colour, religion, sex, young, old etc is fine by me. If they are not prepared to do that then they should not be allowed in the country.
It is a soft touch,we have scroungers who live here as a couple of posts have pointed out,but if we didnt give the handouts to all and sundry there wouldnt be many immigrants.
I'm talking about anyone in Britain who disrespect Britain, not just immigrants. But I do find immigrants who do come to Britain for a better life,take benefits and still miscall Britain,i find that disgusting!!That's my view,you don't have to like what I say,it's not raciest so you can get of that band wagon.Most immigrants are hard working and contribute immensely and are very welcome!
What do you mean by evidence friedgreentomat?If you are talking about Abu Hamza disrespecting Britain there is years of abuse on video along with him saying that he was getting benefits for himself and his wife , with him saying he was not getting enough money!