I'm not normally a "Bah humbug" type but I tend to agree with TTT here. I have visited America on a few occasions at Halloween over the last 40 years, and its altogether different over there. Everybody is out on their front porches, there are lots of cakes and cookies being handed around. Its a family fun opportunity. It doesn't start until 1800 and its all over by 2000. If you don't want to partake, then you don't put your porch light on.
But in my housing estate here in South Wales, admittedly a "challenging area, full of local colour" as an estate agent might put it, Halloween is little better than semi-legalised mugging. The streets are full of scruffy urchins, making the least possible effort with their outfits, mostly using the free bin liners that the council give us, who terrorize the local neighbourhood and make life very difficult, for older residents especially. They also don't really seem to understand how it works, as they have been knocking my bl00dy front since Monday night !