//I suppose it's mitigating circumstances. The Ding family had a long ongoing battle with Du for many years that ended up costing Du 88k.//
Erm, didn't Du lose the money by indulging in some kind of legal dispute against Mr Ding and losing? I haven't read enough to work out who was being vexatious against whom in the dispute but, when it comes down to it, how can anything on such a low level mitigate murder, let alone four?
//Bijan Ebrahimi was murdered by mindless thugs for no other reason than them being thugs. //
No, say it: they thought he was filming children and did what thousands of blokes like him would have loved to do.
Another half dozen perfectly good cops risk being flushed down the pan as a result, thanks to not possessing a crystal ball or more conventional skills of perception.
Sorry to be at crossed-purposes with you tonight, ummmm. Nothing personal.