Question Author
You are pathetic.
"I was just referring to the standard lefty approach when someone does not agree with them."
Except that it is not "the standard lefty response". To suggest it is is a fanciful and imagined notion. You might indeed find individuals who resort to such descriptions, but that does not itself represent any kind of standard response from the left. In short, that assertion itself becomes an example of a standard 3T post - long on inference,spite, sarcasm and smear, short on any kind of fact.
"I maintain your openning rhetoric in this thread was a dig at the US."
You can maintain whatever you want, but unless you can provide any kind of evidence- which, despite ample opportunities from me, you cannot - is itself just a blatant, unsubstantiated smear, something which typifies many of your posts on AB.
Witness your witless attack on Clegg in your post yesterday over his reported response to the rather ill-advised suggestion leaked from the Home Office regarding imposing a cap on the number of immigrants to the UK in some vague, undefined future. Clegg points out that such a measure is, in fact,illegal and against the accords and treaties our country is signatory to - and yet, according to you, pointing this simple fact out is "anti-british".
Wrapping yourself in the flag of patriotism, whilst accusing anyone holding an alternative view as being unpatriotic or worse is simply offensive and distasteful.
It is ironic to me, since expressing such sentiments - That someone is unpatriotic simply for disagreeing with your point of view - could itself be seen as being unpatriotic, since we are a country which treasures those democratic values of freedom of speech and freedom of thought.