if little Inglanders, and many other of our compatriots hadn't stood up and were counted, and died in their millions, me and mine, you and yours may not have lived in a country where you can say such things, like little Inglanders, as we wouldn't have been, but perhaps German speaking by now or exterminated, certainly the Jews, homosexuals, intellectuals, intelligentsia would have been shipped out to Auschwitz, or camps set up here, after all why have the cost of shipping them anywhere,
as it was we had back up, thank heavens for that eh? People from Vladivostok to Delhi, to Nebraska all helped, to rid the world of a tyrant, many were complicit in his rise to prominence, so don't scoff, knock little
Inglanders, they were the likes of my relatives, and millions like them who sacrificed their lives for the right of free speech, democracy.