Body & Soul0 min ago
First World War £2 Coin
57 Answers
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-25 31850/R oyal-Mi nt-unve ils-2-c oin-fea turing- famous- image-L ord-Kit chener- commemo rate-10 0th-ann iversar y-World -War-On e.html
a fitting remembrance for the conflict? or an ill-judged design that sends all the wrong messages about how war is viewed in this country?
a fitting remembrance for the conflict? or an ill-judged design that sends all the wrong messages about how war is viewed in this country?
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actually they saturated Christmas tv with crappy American twee schlok, more saccharine than is good for a body
war films have been a staple of our tv since i was a kid, they do that, i don't know many people who watch them, and those that do it could be because they like war films. not war itself, which is as they say a whole different kettle of fish.
war films have been a staple of our tv since i was a kid, they do that, i don't know many people who watch them, and those that do it could be because they like war films. not war itself, which is as they say a whole different kettle of fish.
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perhaps its more to do with trying to fill the schedules, and i truly don't notice many war films on, if they do show some its because they can't afford to commission decent programmes or more likely they can show them because they cost zero. like old Ealing comedies, and reruns and reruns of Last of the Summer wine, costs nothing to the companies, or very little. fill the schedules with rubbish, the few good things will be repeated over and over,
"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana, "The Life of Reason", 1905.
"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana, "The Life of Reason", 1905.
ok, so we didn't go to war, what happened to our country, what would have happened to Britain if we hadn't stood up alongside many others against Hitler, We were not the aggressor, but we couldn't take a back seat either, going on the agreements in place. So if we had stood down and done nothing, what would have happened, you have to look at it like that. ALL war is a waste
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This story would be be used on April 1st. Its unbelievable that this man should commemorated anywhere, let alone a coin. Perhaps an image such as this might be more appropriate ::
http:// uk/sear ch?q=ga s+attac ks+in+W W1& espv=21 0&e s_sm=12 2&t bm=isch &so urce=iu &im gil=25Q YMbC7Yh oQBM%25 3A%253B http%25 3A%252F %252Ft0 .gstati 52Fimag es%253F q%253Dt bn%253A ANd9GcQ yQw6AKb MIEQK6C aDzkBpd tp771Nm xuKt__h PPEk6rO wHuJlFK %253B12 00%253B 743%253 Brz0CWP BHJlp6e M%253Bh ttp%252 53A%252 52F%252 52Fen.w ikipedi 5252Fwi ki%2525 2FChemi cal_wea pons_in _World_ War_I&a mp;sa=X &ei =ezfFUp HqC9OCh Qf5uYCg Aw& ved=0CD EQ9QEwA A&b iw=1366 &bi h=642
Lions led by donkeys.
Lions led by donkeys.
Yes a poor choice
I know you need a strong image for a coin but perhaps something by Paul Nash like this would have been better
http:// kenwils onelt.f iles.wo rdpress .com/20 09/11/m enin-ro ad.jpg
I know you need a strong image for a coin but perhaps something by Paul Nash like this would have been better
Remembrance Day or Armistice day celebrates the ending of the Great War in 1918, so surely a centenary coin should commemorate that, not the start of the conflict.
Kitchener and the poster that never existed is totally the wrong symbol. A poppy, which represents all those killed would be far more appropriate.
We were fighting the Kaiser, not Hitler and the Nazis.
At the time, it was called the Great War, or the Great European War. The conflict wasn't really a World War and wasn't called one until after WWII.
Kitchener and the poster that never existed is totally the wrong symbol. A poppy, which represents all those killed would be far more appropriate.
We were fighting the Kaiser, not Hitler and the Nazis.
At the time, it was called the Great War, or the Great European War. The conflict wasn't really a World War and wasn't called one until after WWII.