“We live in a democracy;”
No we do not, bhg. We live in an elected dictatorship. Based on what they promise we elect MPs every five years. They choose a cabinet of ministers who proceed to do precisely as they like until a few months prior to the next election, when the promises begin again.
“…if we can't be bothered to read manifestos and can't be bothered to vote, do we deserve what comes to us?”
Show me substantial differences in the manifestos of the main parties which would have led to a different outcome to that described by AOG.
Many things have led to these changes but high among them must be the “non-judgemental” attitude today. Many people need to have their actions judged and commented upon (and preferably curtailed) when they behave in ways contrary to the public good. Showering money and gifts on the feckless (so, by implication, supporting their habits) does them no good and, more importantly, does nobody else (particularly those who are paying for it) no good either.