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Scots Splitting From Us.

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brionon | 13:29 Thu 13th Feb 2014 | News
17 Answers
Is the religious divide in Scotland part of this debate,do you know ?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Certainly haven't read anything about it brionon.
What religious divide?
Ulster Unionists, who are mostly Protestant, are strongly for the union. They will use any influence they have to sway their brethern in Scotland to vote against independence.
Well, they worship two separate spirits.
not heard of a religious "divide" - link please
Haven't heard of a religious divide in the referendum or haven't heard of a religious divide in Scotland?

I assume it goes without saying that the Prodestants would be more in favour of staying in the UK than not.
I've never noticed a religious divide here, but I don't see what relevance religion has on the referendum. I'm sure we're all beyond basing our decision on whichever church we do or don't attend.
Not sure that religion is going to pay much of a part in this debate. But parts of Scotland are worse than Ulster for bigotry.
Maybe parts of Glasgow, but not really noticeable in the rest of Scotland as a whole. In my opinion.
There certainly used to be when I first moved to Scotland 40 years ago, it was unexpected and very noticeable - the first question my ex-MIL asked me was "are you a Catholic?"...... but I don't think it's got anything to with the current debate, nothing at all.
I meant Glasgow...sorry if I have offended any Scot on here today !
You've not offended me, mikey. I can honestly say I've never come across any kind of religious divide other than the Wee Frees tutting at anyone hanging out washing on a Sunday!
No religious divide here brionon.
they have to vote on it first, it doesn't mean it will happen, and doubt it.
I can honestly say it wasn't until the 70s that I started to understand there were different types of Christians . It was probably then that reallly opened my eyes to the farce that religion is.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland there are 1000's of so called Protestants and Catholics, but do they follow religion or just use the name to further their causes?
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not heard of a religious "divide" - link please.

Not Heard of --- Do you ever read the Newspapers ??

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