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It Would Seem By These Figures That The British People Are Truly Concerned About Immigration.

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anotheoldgit | 09:50 Mon 17th Feb 2014 | News
47 Answers

The Big Immigration Row, is live on Channel 5 at 8pm tonight.

Should be interesting viewing.


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no, they won't, many i know have lived here longer than they lived in Scotland.
mikey, I don't think you can immigrate retrospectively, but there could always be a few pogroms to encourage them to return to the land of gtheir fathers.
jno, many people worked in the NHS not just those from the West Indies, do you suppose that the whole deal would have fallen flat had they not come to work here, crikey.
emmie ...if we sent all the foreigners that work in the NHS, back where they come from, it would collapse within days. Ditto with Central London hotels.
And just think of all those poor countries we have deprived of valuable medical staff.

Is it really right to take trained staff from poor counties to look after us (usually on the cheap).

Sounds very imperialistic to me, surprised you are so for it Mickey.
not privy to London hotels, but i do remember friends staying in one or two, as to the NHS, well if you think it will collapse, then so be it.
which is an important point, and one not lost of many countries who are losing their brightest and best to work overseas. They need to pay decent money for their people to stay put, so that puts the reason many fess up here is economic.
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/// emmie ...if we sent all the foreigners that work in the NHS, back where they come from, it would collapse within days. Ditto with Central London hotels. ///

What do you think of the idea to send all those immigrants back that don't hold down these valuable jobs for us?
aog...I don't have a problem with immigrants who have come here to scrounge off the dole being sent back .....if only we could do the same with our own lazy, feckless, uneducated dole-bludgers.
I'm a mongrel according to my daughter who spent a couple of years tracing our family tree, WITH e
mikey, it's a disgrace that we have any uneducated British people, our education system may not be the best in the world, but it's certainly not the worst, and for those who fail at exams there are always more practical type training.
so am i, Anglo/Irish would do.
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i was watching but they keep shouting at each other.
I agree emmie...just a shouting match. Dimbleby would have done a much better job. If only all TV channels were as good as the BBC.
Some debate, if you dare express your true and imo correct feelings towards mass immigration you were shouted down as a racist, true to form.
i got fed up and switched off, these debates when handled like this are a waste of time. Not even sure Dimbleby would cope, its a hot issue
Boiling point I would say emmie, ready to erupt.
some just don't get it, i do, but that's enough for now, seeing as how this usually turns into a you are a xenophobe type thing.
And a racist or bigot etc - just words emmie bandied about willie nillie which have no substance now.

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