I thought it a train wreck of an interview on Harriet Harmans part, watching Newsnight last night.
I do not think for a moment that HH, Jack Dromey etc were actively involved in promoting PIE or PIEs agenda, and I do think the DM have a political agenda in this.
That having been said, Harriet Harman was asked,point blank, about 5 times by the interviewer if she was, with hindsight sorry about the affiliation between the NCCL as it then was and PIE. Instead of just offering an apology, she avoided it, preferring instead to offer some comment about how PIE had no input into NCCL policy, or that it was just 1 of 1000 organisations paying a sub to be a member of the NCCL, and it just sounded weak and evasive.
I suspect she was keen not to apologise because that might give substance to the notion of a link between NCCL and PIE, but if Shami Chakrabarti the current director of Liberty, the organisation that the NCCL became can apologise for the link between NCCL and PIE during a period of time when she would still have been a child, then surely Harmon could have done the same thing too.
Other questions remain though, germane to the discussion. How was it that an organisation actively promoting paedophilia and lobbying for changes in legal status and how paedophilia was viewed by the public was allowed to exist for a decade or so as an entirely legal organisation? It even appears that they might have been the recipients of government grant money.
Not a good or comfortable interview for Harriet Harmon.