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Imagine a world with one common currency, one rate of taxation , one standard of education and social and health provision, one global minimum wage and one global administration. That is what I want. Yes you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one as JL said. But yet as I imagine any other future for our species I'm afraid it always ends in extinction, and not in a good way.
On the other hand I see little tin gods like Putin, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the psychopath who has North Korea as his playground, Mugabe.... and now Salmond in Scotland desperately fighting against what I believe is the only future for us, and the planet we depend on. I hate them all.
We hate the EU the tabloids tell us, but it's very existence should show us hope given that two wars were fought in the last hundred years that killed millions worldwide began in Europe and now we are at peace.
Now another despot who masquerades as a president, then a prime minister and then a president again, is starting it all off again. Dylan- When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn? My best answer- probably never.