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Israel - The Jewish Homland

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Gromit | 10:14 Wed 12th Mar 2014 | News
67 Answers
// David Cameron will arrive in Israel on Wednesday under pressure to acknowledge the country as the Jewish homeland.
Groups representing some British Jews hope Mr Cameron will acknowledge Israel’s status as the world’s only Jewish state on his first visit to the country in office. //

1. Haven't we already done this?
2. Didn't the UN mandate, which Britain agreed to, acknowledge the State of Isreal?
3. Isn't this a bit humiliating. Smacks of making us jump throuh hoops.
4. Should Israel first apologise for the deaths of British personel when it took up an armed conflict against us?
5. Is this some kind of trap to make an agreement withe the Palestinians even harder to accomplish? Are they asking us to do this, to take sides in that conflict?


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perhaps Natasha Kaplinsky could do it for him; that would make it semi-official but leave him deniability.
I will start caring about Israel when the Jews stop celebrating the genocide they perpetrated while invading their "Promised Land" as evidence of their position as the "Chosen Race".

Their justification for the state of Israel is the greatest hypocrisy on this planet.
The Muslims of Palestine supported the Nazis during the war. The Grand Mufti supported the extermination of the Jews. I know which side I'm on. !!
Does this homeland include the land on the West Bank?
I agree Gromit , when I was out there 4 of my colleagues were killed by Jewish terrorists . Both sides ( Arabs and Jews ) are intransigent but on balance the Jews with American support are IMO the worse. If the Americans were less partisan the Jews might be less dogmatic on the question of the settlements.
Having said that , when they pulled out of Gaza it didn't stop attacks by the Palestinians and in particular by Hamas.

Who said . " A plague on both your houses !"
He should do nothing more than visit. All speeches should steer clear of any such statement.

Whilst true the Jews have often been persecuted over the years, they do have a tendency to bring it on themselves.

For instance, set yourselves up as superior to everyone else and you will get the underclasses trying to prove you wrong.
Modeller, isn't saying 'a plague on both your houses' to both the robber and the victim a strange attitude?
Beso has understood this. It would appear that the Jews are asking David Cameron to support their claim that they are God’s chosen people and, as such, the rightful occupiers of the territory they deem to have been ‘promised’ to them millennia ago. This is more than politics – it is very dangerous ground - literally.
Excuse me! but from time to time, I'm troubled by the tone of some of the posts seen on AB whenever it relates to the Jews. This thread is an example... and this one in particular "...Whilst true the Jews have been persecuted over the years, they do have a tendency to bring it on themselves..."

The underlying message of that sentence may be entirely unintentional, but, considering the millions on millions of men, women and children that have died horrifically only because they were Jews is one of the great mysteries of human history. Not one other culture or group of people have suffered so much.

Not only were some six million Jews, including 1.5 million children, systematically exterminated simply because they were Jews, by the Nazis, but the slaughter extends as far back as 70AD, when the Jews were still the inhabitants of so called 'Palestine" when the Romans under Titus took Jerusalem and over one million Jews were killed.

In the late 1100's - early 1200's English persecution of the Jews culminated in the expulsion of Jews by Edward "...He arrested and imprisoned 600 Jews from all over England in the Tower of London. 270 were hanged, and their property was confiscated. Finally, on 18 July 1290, an Edict of Expulsion was issued, giving Jews three months to leave the country. The medieval Jewish community came to an end, as the refugees from England were absorbed into the greater numbers of the Jews of Europe..."

To assert that the millions died because they "have a tendency to bring it on themselves" is a horrific statement, matched only by the lack of condemnation from anyone else on the thread!

the Jews often bring it on themselves, gosh is that a wrong statement. So they were responsible for almost being wiped out in WW2, their persecution goes back many many centuries, the expulsion, or extermination - personally i would side with the Jews than Arabs any day of the week.
The situation in Gaza is complex, the whole history of the region is complex, if David Cameron is going there, perhaps he can see if he can get the sides to talk, better to jaw jaw than war war,
as to plague on both your houses, that was William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet.
Clanad, i confess i was rather gobsmacked by the assertion that they bring it on themselves, unless that means in the context of the current situation, but even so it's an incredibly insensitive comment
i'd just like the Balfour declaration to get a mention.
i think that the history of the fall of the Ottoman empire and the duplicitious workings of Sykes and Picot on behalf of GB and france. syria was promised to the arabs, not the french. palestine was promised to the palestinians and not the jews. as sonn as the 1st ww ended, we betrayed them. i feel most of todays promlems come from this period of history and not thousands of years ago.
/Not one other culture or group of people have suffered so much/. Really? can you justify that statement? Entire civilisations have been wiped but we don''t hear about them because they all died a long time ago.
Perhaps you should check out the russian civilian caualties of WW2
Incidentally the zionist experience in the middle east is an example of the Jews 'bringing it on themselves'. If they hadn't stolen Arab lands in Palestine they wouldn't be vilified by most of the arabic speaking people.
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just because others have suffered doesn't mean to say that centuries worth of persecution should be dismissed out of hand. Stalin killed millions of his own people, as did Mao, the Japanese killed millions before WW2, and during, their barbarism was on a par with the Nazi's. How far back should one go, Ghengis Khan, not noted for his gentleness, you don't conquer people without considerable bloodshed, or rarely.
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Sorry you do not like my question clanad. But I still can't see what is wrong with it. Many British troops were killed by Jewish terrorists after the Second World War. I find it offensive that our Prime Minister is expected to go and brown nose the current bunch.
what makes you think he is going there to brown nose.
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i did, why do you think it's expected

" I find it offensive that our Prime Minister is expected to go and brown nose the current bunch.
and then he did brown nose. what a tw*t.

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