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Benefits To Immigrants

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naomi24 | 07:48 Thu 29th May 2014 | News
156 Answers
In the light of recent events clearly something must be done urgently to stem the flow of immigrants into this country. Could the solution be to restrict all benefits to those who have lived in this country, and contributed to its public purse, for, say, a minimum of five years?


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//I'm sure even UKIP would not refuse child benefit or health treatment to someone born here just because their parents hadn't been here 5 years. //

There's a solution to that ... delay having children for five years - but heaven forbid we should ask people to take responsibility for themselves.
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You seriously are pitching this as anything but a populist inflammatory idea even though none of what you are saying is true Naomi? If you don't know the figures, how can you possibly have a sensible debate on anything? It's ridiculous. When this was pointed out to you, you rigidly stuck to your guns anyway even though as a group EU migrants actually add to the economy, so actually this is just about punishing anyone who isn't 'home grown' isn't it?
There's a solution to that ... delay having children for five years - but heaven forbid we should ask people to take responsibility for themselves.

Free contraception, naomi.
Who pays for that Tony???
Well it would be cheaper than paying family allowance I should think, retrocop.
>...delay having children for five years - but heaven forbid we should ask people to take responsibility for themselves.

I think there's a case for saying the same thing for our own citizens too in order to reduce benefit dependency. I can see a case for putting everyone on 12 months' notice that child benefit or other benefits will not be paid for future children. But i know there would be a backlash when we hear of starving children so it'll probably never happen
Personally Naomi, I think benefits should only be paid to people who were born here.
Free contraception does'nt seem to have any significant effect on stemming AIDS and the birth rate in the kraals and ghettoes of Africa and Asia.They probably give it to the kids to use as balloons.Cheaper still Tony.No job.No Entry.No benefits.Simples.
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> I think benefits should only be paid to people who were born here.
That's a non-starter unless we leave the EU or negotiate a dispensation which is highly unlikely.
If we did deny benefits, including child benefit, to those not born here would we also deny use of hospitals and schools? What about denying a vote?Would we want a section of our population to be treated as second-class?
i wasn't born here but i have worked and paid tax & NI since 17, and you think i should have no right to benefits if i was to find myself made redundant (for example)?

I know one immigrant from romania pretty well, she pays more tax & NI than me.

/// So when we read about starving children born in this country (of say Polish parents) dying because there are no benefits, do you think there would be no backlash. ///

How do you think our own people managed to get by, before the welfare state came into fruition?
that's not a good argument, aog.
they used to die like flies.
Bring back the workhouses.
Times have changed, AOG.
You could argue the same about all benefits paid- such as to those with disabilities etc.
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/// that's not a good argument, aog.
they used to die like flies. ///

Was you around then?

Well I was and I can never remember anyone one starving or dying like flies.

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