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Farriercm | 09:12 Thu 17th Jul 2014 | News
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Who was the most unpopular Prime Minister of all time in the UK.


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I'm 61 by the way. I was born two days after the coronation !
Ah yes, he of the lions is only a Marquis.
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Cheeky sod Mikey I am Twenty Seven in September , Watch your back Mikey I will get for that ONE.
mikey - Our AB Pretender to the throne, by the Grace of God possible King of this Realm and of His other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

"Buqqer of Charles, it's mine," he was heard to say.
Hey Farrier....I am on your "lefties" should stick together !
Gordon Brown close runner up to Blair
Right now I understand you are 27 so you cannot possibly know what it was like in the 70s. You have been brainwashed by lefty teachers. try and find out some things for yourself
TTT...enough is enough.

You don't have to have been a warrior in the Class War to have an opinion on whether something was right or not, even if you weren't born at the time. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, even the people that disagree with you. In fact, especially the people that don't share your view.

You think that Mrs V was the best thing since sliced bread. I don't but like Voltaire, I would defend your right to say so. Why can't Farrier have a view ? He may lack the finer skills of debate, but we should respect his views nethertheless.
Forgot to add a "!" at the end of my last post.
don't give me that rot, this is not a class thing, even if it was no one on here comes from a lower class back ground than me. No one under a certain age can possibly know what it's about. This is not about agreement or disagreement this is about inexplicable vitriol wih no rhymme or reason, no comprehension no arguments of any kind. Yes he can have an opinion but it's worthless because he's not formed it himself he's been issued with it from the pantheon of fashionable opinions, no thought went into it. I can justify all my opinions, I have never seen this poster do that. It's basically like a yob shouting "xxxx is a %$^£" and not knowing why. its impossible for anyone to have a view on something that happened before they were born ? Rather silly, if I may say so.

You and I are not dissimilar ages. I am sure we we both have views on what happened during WW2, despite us not fighting on the beaches of Normandy !

If you wish to defend Mrs V, then please do so. But don't shoot everybody else down on here that disagrees with you.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, as it is merely meant to be helpful !

(remembered the ! this time)
I have to agree with 3Ts. Many people pontificate on the "evil of Thatcher" without a clue what they are talking about. Yes, they can have an opinion but they should make it clear that they have no first hand knowledge. I have an opinion on the First World War, its causes and Britain's role. But it is based on what I have been told by others.

With this particular issue it is unfortunate that 99.999% of all the state school teachers hold the opinion (many of them basing it on what they have been told, not what they have experienced) that Lady T was The Most Vile and Evil Dictator the World Has Ever Known. Schoolchildren now repeat this mantra as if it were proven fact. You need to have been there to know what it was like prior to 1979. I was. The thought that "Jolly" Jim Callaghan might have been returned to No 10 still, to this day, fills me with dread.
" its impossible for anyone to have a view on something that happened before they were born ? Rather silly, if I may say so. " - not at all but I'd hope that they would have looked at the subject objectively rather than accepting what they are first told. My opinions of WWII are fluid and under constant review as I learn new things. I'm not even just talking about MrsT with this poster, he's like a robot that has been a given a mission to unquestionally obey a specific doctrine without question or evaluation.
Yes Mikey, I have an opinion on events I did not experience, but I don't know what it was like. I give more weight to the views of people who do. The problem with the Evils of Thatcher is that, being a political issue, the naturally Left-Leaning teachers (and it's always intrigued me why they should be so Left leaning) promote their opinion as if it is fact.
Girls, girls stop pulling each others plaits !

NJ isnt it Sunny Jim ( Crisis what crisis ) Callghan ?
and yes he was voted as worst prime minister of the c20.

but then there was recall bias against the awful earlier ones (Baldwin)
Thatcher (Falklands/Belgrano). Blair (Iraq/non-existent weapons of mass destruction) - both war criminals.
belgrano was a war ship at war For Funks Sake
Would you care to expand on that Wharton. Particularly the first bit?
The Belgrano was in neutral waters and heading away from the Falkland Islands when it was sunk. As an Argentinian newspaper reported, "Britannia Waives The Rules".
for Zim fans

Britannis waives the rules was a theme in Rhodesia over independence and UDI in 1967.

Just thought I would say

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