Clanad, we know what’s happening – no one is disputing that – but your agenda isn’t founded upon ethics or upon the principle of justice – it arises solely from your determined allegiance to religion. This goes far beyond the Balfour Declaration, which although no doubt formulated with the best intentions, was in my opinion utterly misguided. It has created far more problems than it's solved. But forget the politics – that’s not what it’s really all about. The whole sorry situation emanates from a superstitious legend kept alive by God’s allegedly chosen people who harbour an eternal belief in their exceptional status, and a never-ending ambition to fulfil what they believe to be an ancient prophecy – to return to the allegedly Promised Land. Had that alleged promise never been recorded, Jews would still have migrated to countries throughout the world, but instead of making the toast ‘Next year in Jerusalem’ at every opportunity, they would have settled, integrated with their neighbours, and lived their lives in relative peace - and hence the Palestinians would have lived their lives in relative peace. In place of that, we have this – a problem without solution that is causing endless pain, death, destruction and turmoil. So much for religion.
Incidentally, I don’t know if you’ve been to Israel, but it’s a very sad place.