//And do you really think that any rebels will take notice of anyone but themselves? // AOG
because the arms and money comes from them ( Russia )
Also it seems odd to me, and perhaps even others who read the Daily Mail that within minutes, Someone on the ground ( General Bes ) rang up someone in Moscow and said we have downed a plane - if he werent under Moscow control. Gen Bes could have been ringing his mother, I agree. [Hey Mum .... ]
I have to take off my hat to you AOG - following the Beeb line - a leggy good-looker said at one point: A plane to Malaysia has stopped flying and we dont know why....
When she was asked if it had landed anywhere, she replied
No it hasnt landed - it has stopped flying.
At this point, there were reports of a rain of bodies over part of Ukraine
Hey AOG I bet you really blame the CIA ?