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Another Casualty For Our "recreational" Drug User Community

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mikey4444 | 16:01 Wed 23rd Jul 2014 | News
108 Answers
We had a long heated debate on here about drug addicts recently and I was wold, quite tartly, that there was a difference between drugs addicts and recreational drug addicts. Well, here is another "recreational" drug user that won't be wasting any more of her money ::::

14 years on from her mothers similar self-imposed death, Peaches follows suit. I hope somebody will be watching her little child very closely for the rest of its life.


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apparently she was on methadone, isn't that what they give you when you are trying to kick the habit Doesn't sound too "recreational" to me. In reality though these are highly addictive drugs and I'm not convinced they can be recreational.
16:51 Wed 23rd Jul 2014
Mikey, no one here is condoning or supporting drug addiction, but they do understand human frailty.
well I'm grateful for "best answer" - never thought I'd see the great lady in such prominence in one of your threads!
I took up smoking because I felt left out of "the crowd" I was 24 and fully aware of what I was doing and all the dangers involved.

I gave up smoking my 50 a day habit 9 years ago (cold turkey)

I didn't actually find it that difficult to give up! Whist smoking each cigarette I would ask myself "are you actually enjoying this cigarette" I would try to concentrate on what I was actually enjoying about the taste and satisfaction I got from sucking smoke into my lungs.

The answer was always the same, "No! I am not enjoying it but it does satisfy an overwhelming urge.

The point I am making is, not everybody that takes drugs enjoy the experience, they take these drugs through pier pressure, some drugs you get a real high from some you don't. but often by the time you have experimented a little it is too late. You are now an addict and it may well kill you (depending on your drug of choice)

I smoked cannabis not so many years ago, I loved the totally relaxing and chilled sensation I got from it, it had no negative affects at all, then I met Carakeel and never touched it again and never yearned for it.

I must admit that after 9 years free of smoking ordinary cigarettes I still yearn for a smoke occasionally!

I do drink alcohol, once or twice a week we pop into our local and and have a real ale or two, very rarely much more than that.

I still think that alcohol and cigarettes are the biggest threat to our health.

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TTT...I suspect that if we were to meet in a Pub somewhere, that had Real Ale, we would probably get on like a house on fire, despite your avatar !
Well, as long as we kept off politics as a topic of you think we could manage that ?

On a more serious point, its important that those advocating "recreational drug use" should realise that its not all lovely and hip. More condemnation and less understanding is what is tolerance for drugs !
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Ratter...congratulations for giving the should be proud of yourself.
Give yourself a pat on the back from me please !

I started smoking, like most boys of my vintage and class background, at about the age of 14-15, and quit when I was in my mid-20's. I am entirely convinced that if I hadn't, I would not be alive today. If I was, I would be close to bankruptcy, having to waste at least £20 a day. So I always encourage smokers to quit. I know it isn't easy but it has to be easier today, rather than 40 years ago, what with the all patches, gums, etc that is available.
mikey, //On a more serious point, its important that those advocating "recreational drug use" should realise that its not all lovely and hip. More condemnation and less understanding is what is tolerance for drugs !

//I suspect that if we were to meet in a Pub somewhere, that had Real Ale, we would probably get on like a house on fire//

both in the same answer!!

Not that we should be promoting recreational drug use or anything!!

Lol, I just love it!!

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ratter...forgot to add..not sure about the stats on alcohol but cigarettes are definitely the biggest single cause of death in the world today. And if those advocating the legalisation of all drugs were to have their way, deaths from Heroin would rise dramatically. And think who would benefit from all those legal drugs.....

The tobacco companies of course ! The same companies that are currently killing their own customers.
dont think heroin is regarded as a recreational drug, recreational drugs are the ones that make you dance or giggle like a loon.

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Ratter....due to my diabetes, I can't drink so much of that nectar of the gods, Real Ale, as much as I used to. My great temptation will be the annual Swansea Beer Festival, coming up over the August Bank Holiday weekend.
As a Member of CAMRA, I am going to find it difficult not to attend !
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Randy...I thought that was too many Dry Martinis ?

Have you come across the Martini Lunch before ? One Martini is very nice but isn't enough. Two Martinis is better but still not enough, But three Martinis at lunch is always too much !
well we do have a lot of common ground, I suppose on here poilitical differences tend to surface but in reality I'd imagine that most people can find some sort of common ground. Reminds me of school baloon debates.
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Probably right TTT...not sure what a baloon debate is that a misprint ?
I would never call myself a connoisseur of the the real ales but I know what I like. I would love to attend a real ale festival, the problem being that after I have had a few tasters I would be on my back. The problem with ale is, you cant just have a little sip like you would with wine. you need a really good slug of it to savour the flavour. I would'nt last any further than the first few barrels.
see here:
basically it's a way of making people realise that no matter how much you revile or hate someone there are circumstances when you would have to side with them.
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Thanks TTT...I learn something new on AB every day !
//...why am I clueless ? //

Because you don't seem to understand the meaning of the words 'drug' 'recreation' or 'addiction'.
Like Randy says, heroine is not a recreational drug.

Recreational drug users 'chose' when they use drugs. Most drug users are not addicts.
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I understand the difference quite clearly ludwig, and I need no lectures from you or anybody else.

All heroin users started off with "recreational drugs" The boy that died at Glasto was using a "recreational drug" a drug that is easily available in every club from Lands End to John O'Groats, according to my young nieces and nephews. Its probably more available in clubs than it is in its proper place of use, Vets surgeries. Drugs are not lovely and nice, whether they are called by that weasel word, "recreational" or defined as "hard". Drugs kill and in the case under discussion, drugs killed a mother and daughter, both of which undoubtedly started off with lovely, fluffy, really cool "recreational" drugs.

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