youngmafbog - "Andy, all the posts are looking at it UK-centric."
I don't believe mine are, if you re-read them.
"Take a look at a map, America is vast and still very wild in places. It is simply not practical to not be able to defend yourself for one reason or another. Why cant you see that?"
I am aware of how mig America is - I have been there.
You appear to agree with the 'frontier' mentality that afflicts Americans. They have police forces, the same as we do - the notion that people need to arm themslves simply exacerbates an already massive problem.
"As for abolishing guns it is a far bigger issue than you think. The right to bear arms is embedded into the constitution. OK, I think we can all see that for guns perhaps the constitution should be amended. The problem is once the constitution has been changed for something as fundamental asa that Americans are fearful people (mainly lefties and commies) will hijack their country by changing other parts of it."
I don't require a lesson in civics, thank you, I am entirely aware of the Right To Bear Arms, and the effect it continues to have on the population.
"Secondly, let us not forget a law is only any good if the vast majority support it, otherwise problems arise - take prohibition that created the rise of the mobsters."
I have already addressed that point - the power of the NRA and right-wing affiliates is acknowledged, no President would sanction altering the lawas to make guns illegal nationwide - that will simply never happen.
"And lastly, for the moment, just how would you propose all the guns in America are got rid off. Good honest people may hand them in but I cant see criminals doing that can you?"
I have no answer to that question - because there isn't one. That particular genie is out of the bottle.
But this thread, and ChillDoubt's original point remains valid - it is the ability to let children handle and fire guns that has to be fundamentally wrong, and can be addresseds - if only to avoid tragedies like the one that has highlighted this issue, and started the debate.
"Therefore your 'if everyone lays down their arms there is no need for them' doesnt wash does it?"
Probably not, but that statement, or indeed its viewpoint is not mine, I have never said that, so I fail to see why you are asking me if it washes or not.