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Gordon Brown

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Farriercm | 11:33 Wed 17th Sep 2014 | News
43 Answers
Just watched Gordon brown making his speech on the Scottish referendum,
Best speech he has ever made he was first class, Brilliant.


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Not seen it, do you have a link?
I didn't want to start another thread about (shhh, you know what)

But I agree 100% fantastic performance.
I bet you're him.
I like him - but not many people do.
Pity he was not so brilliant during his spell as Chancellor and Prime Minister of the UK.
Have to say I'd always seen him as a bit wishy-washy but after that performance I remarked to myself "If only he'd appeared as passionate when he was PM!".

It was quite some impassioned delivery to be fair to him.
True, Farrier. Excellent speech.
Wolf, I like him too. Never used to but he's certainly grown on me. That speech today was wonderful. Full of fire and passion and TRUTH !!
Psybbs loves him too.....
Extract from Gordon Brown's Glasgow speech - on all the risks of independence... … via @audioboo
Just uploaded
Apparently it was much the same speech he has been giving on the stump for a week or more, but only in the last 24 hours has he been getting a wide television audience.
Well done Mr Brown, well done ......
Quite agree...a real barn-stormer...well done Gordon ( did I just say that ? )
"The risks of the known:
An economic minefield where problems COULD implode at any time.
An trapdoor down which we go and from which we MIGHT never escape."

Yep, he's got all the answers right enough! :-)
"What history, culture and a glorious intellectual tradition have joined together, let no man put asunder". I paraphrase slightly, but that's good for Brown. Never expected that from a bean counter.
jeffa ~ "An trapdoor down "

should that not be "A trapdoor"?
No, it should be "An economic trapdoor".
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He certainly did better than Alister Darling,and I bet it took that awful smirk off the face of the self proclaimed King of Scotland Salmond.
I met Mr Darling once and he seemed a bit pathetic and not at all genuine. I have been known to vote Tory so it wasn't a political bias.

I don't know why anybody would want to be a politician - no matter what you do or how hard you work there are millions of 'back seat drivers' watching.

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