ChillDoubt - Bar a picture of him vomiting on his nanny or having his index digit up his nose to the second knuckle, what would be that one spectacular that they're hoping for?
Do enlighten me! This should be interesting......."
As bizarre as those suggestions are, they are eactly the kind of pictures that sell to foreign, and indeed domestic magaazines.
Anyone with todlers knows that there are endless times during a typical day when they are doing things that you would not want recorded for poesterity - but the fact that George is a prince means that his 'indiscretions' have financial value.
I know, it's weird, but I find the notion of picutres of strangers' weddings to be something I am not desparate for, so i never buy or read Hello magazine.
There is a market out there for these pictures, and it is massive and lucrative, which is why paparazzi go to the lengths they do to get the shots that will sell.
I recall Koo Stark, onetime consort of Prince Andrew, being followed through the streets of cental London on her scooter, by a pap who stopped behind her and attempted to wrench her crash helmet off before she had unfastened it, such was his desire to get a 'candid' picture.
It is weird, and unsavoury, but we have the press we deserve.