jackthehat - "I wouldn't have wished this end on anybody.
However, when the story of her unmasking broke, I did smile at the irony of her 'right to say what she thought' now being extended to people across the country to comment on 'sweepyface'.
Too many people seem to focus on their 'rights' that they completely forget about their 'responsibilities'.
My sympathies go out to her family."
Mine too - and to everyone involved in this whole sorry business.
It does bear out the points made earlier about the 'isloation' factor in expressing opinions on the Internet.
If you express an controversial oponion in public, you runk the risk of being judged on it by your peers and relatives, people whose opinions of you matter to you. You may even be challenegd to defend your viewpoint. This is what has always kept society's expresion of opinions under a degree of social control.
With the Internet, such control is absent, and anyone who can use a computer is leet loose to spew out whatever garbage - nonsensical to vitriolic - to the world at large without fear of redress, except via the same media, which can simply be ignored.
It does underline my personal position - I find the notion of offering my opions to total strangers to be a pointless waste of time. I am quite sure they have little or no interest in my views about anything, and similarly, I have little or no interest in theirs - the exercise is a futile waste of time.
As for the idea of letting complete stranger's opinion of me one way or the other matter one iota, again, i am exempt from such fripperies.
I do not count the AB community as strangers, and as advised - I was here doing this before social media was invented.